Drs Who Prescribe Pain Medications Roswell Ga (Page 2)
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Does anyone know a Dr in Roswell ga who will prescribe pain mediciation and Xanax?

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Any dr can prescribe any meds they choose to. But, unfortunately many tell their patients that laws prevent them from prescribing certain meds or certain amounts of meds. The person that says that due to new regulations you have to see a certain dr to be prescribed a certain med must have been lied to by their dr. Although many PCP's are choosing to not prescrbe certain meds, it is not a law that is preventing them from doing do but their own individual choice. There are also no laws that state you must have a drug panel done or sign a pain contract, but many drs tell their patients there are. Ask for a reference in the law when you dr tells you that something is Law and look it up online or at your local library. If they are lying, they won't have it or will give you one that does not apply to what they said.

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I'm prescribed 4 - 60 mg Oxycontin and 8 - 8 mg Dilaudid per day for severe, 24/7 pain by my PCP. That's 120 of the Oxy and 240 of the Dilaudid, all from my PCP, no pain "specialist" involved.

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A family Dr can prescribe pain meds and benzodiazapines up to a certain amount. My Dr prescribes Percocet 10/325 3 times daily. That's 90 per month. He said any more than that would be considered Pain Management.

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I don't know the law in Georgia but if we're talking about the DEA, that would be federal law and you're all wrong once again. I live in Michigan and my primary care doctor prescribes two strong opioids and Xanax for my serious chronic pain. (The Xanax also serves as an adjunct medication to help me sleep since I also have a terrible sleep disorder.) I do not see, nor do I HAVE to see a pain specialist. My current doctor has been prescribing these to me for seven years; prior to that, my primary doctors in two other states also prescribed these same medications. (We've made two moves in the last 17 years which accounts for the switches in my PCP's.) I see my doctor every three months and he's never said anything about now being required by the DEA to see a pain specialist for these medications nor has the pharmacy which I've used for the last seven years. Before you shoot off statements as "facts," please make sure they are indeed facts and not just rumors or, perhaps, the way you THINK things should be done.

By the way, I have been to pain specialists in the previous two states where we lived and they were both a disaster. My illness is severe, well-documented and has been firmly diagnosed by two rheumatologists. Yet both these pain "experts" blew me off. One said I probably just wanted attention and wouldn't do anything for me. The other said he couldn't help me, even though he claimed he couldn't find any of the information that had been sent by my PCP (which meant he had no information on my case.) He also didn't ask me any questions about my illness. The fact that he had no information on my case didn't stop him from claiming that this pain clinic didn't treat my particular illness, even though it's primary symptom is pain. On the way out, I told the person at the front desk that the doctor had gone looking for my information folder during my appointment and had returned claiming he couldn't find it. I told her that I had checked with them the day before and been told that they had received all my information from my primary doctor. She reached behind her, glanced at the materials on the table there and handed me all my information, organized in one folder (yes, the information the great pain specialist said they didn't have and couldn't find) and told me I could "just keep it." This doctor also mentioned that he couldn't do anything about my "back problem"--which wasn't surprising since I don't have a back problem and never have and, therefore, wasn't there to see him about non-existent back pain. When I stated that I didn't have a back problem and asked where he was getting his information about my condition, he just kept repeating that he couldn't do anything for me. There was an older doctor observing this guy at the back of the examining room so the "doctor" I saw was probably an intern or resident. The supervising physician at the back of the room never said a word. After these experiences, I won't be looking to any "pain specialist" as an expert on treating me. And, I repeat, I'm getting opioids and Xanax from my family practitioner with no end in sight so stop pushing this incorrect information that these meds have to be prescribed by a pain specialist.

By the way, I also saw a "sleep specialist" about my sleep disorder. She had me undergo a sleep study which showed no problems with apnea or anything else (other than that I wasn't sleeping). Then she kept me coming back for appointments every few weeks; all she did at these appointments was ask me how I was sleeping now. Since she wasn't doing anything to treat the problem, I'd just tell her (AGAIN!) how badly I was still sleeping. She'd then have me make another appointment for the next month and send me home. When I finally confronted her (courteously!) about this process, she said I was being a difficult patient. Needless to say, I fired her on the spot. Quite the money making scam she had going. My current family medicine doctor worked with me for the first few months I saw him, trying some different things. We finally hit on a combination of medication and sleep process that works better than anything else I've tried. As far as I'm concerned, pain and sleep specialists are highly overrated; they're just more expensive.

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I didn't want any personal info Roy just a phone # and ill shoot you a txt. I dnt wanna put a Drs. name on the board and all of a sudden theres 50 new patients asking for Xanax. But I understand if you don't wanna give it out you must be doing just fine on your own.

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Hi David, I understand. Was hoping you could give a recommendation but I'm not going to share my email or any personal info. Thanks anyways though!

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Roy I really wanna help but with a little privacy so not everyone floods these Drs. Im new to this sight, and cant figure out how to get my email through or even my phone number. Any suggestions.

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Yes Roy I can help you. In order to get you the right Dr. I'm gonna need to ask a few personal questions {edited for privacy} and well get you set up asap.

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Hi David, can you please share the name of your doctor or clinic that you would recommend?

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My name is David I live in the Roswell area and it took me many years to find the right Dr. for my pain and anxiety. I can definitely help you find a Dr. whether it is Pain Management or Internal Meds.

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Hello, Nannyq! How are you? I'm sorry that you're in pain.

However, due to the new regulations that were set forth by the DEA last year, you'll need to see specialists, if you require such medications on a long-term ongoing basis, a general practitioner won't be able to prescribe them for you. That also means most doctor's won't prescribe both, you'd need to see a pain management specialist and a psychiatrist for the Xanax.

The FDA lists Xanax as a benzodiazepine that is most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. It carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

Can anyone recommend good doctors in that area?

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