Doxipen Withdrawal
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My mom has been on Doxipen 10 mg for many years to help her sleep at night. Lately she has been more confused & foggy & wakes up saying things that don't make sense & scaring my dad. I studied up on the drug & learned this can be a side effect in the elderly. We called Doctor & nurse said to take one every other night for two weeks, then 1 every two days for two weeks. She is very anxious & nervous right now. Are we doing the right thing or should she start with a lower dosage for awhile? We are on week two every other day. Thanks for any input. Jenny

2 Replies

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Thanks for your reply, Verwon! Today is a good day! Thanks for asking.
She has IBS so experiences stomach problems anyway. She pretty much has all of those side effects. Hoping they don't last too long.
Thanks again!

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Hello, Jenny! How is your mom doing?

That is a normal taper schedule that most doctors use, now. Withdrawal effects, as reported by the FDA, may include nausea, diarrhea, pain, depression, and rebound anxiety.

Elderly people are usually more prone to experiencing side effects from medications and to experiencing them more intensely.

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