Dorflex (Top voted first)
UpdatedUsed for treating headaches. It's white in color.
Of course the girl died; she was just 18 months old! in healthy adults, DORFLEX is safe, and has been used for many years in a lot of countries. FDA bannes many medication, but they allow doctors in the US to give us a lot of narcotics for pain, which always made more sick than I was before.
Dorflex is great. Brasil is great, you can self medicate yourself all you want. No "Nanny State" like Big Brother USA looking over your shoulder all the time. Another great headache/hangover cure is Engov...
From what I was able to gather Dorflex active ingredients are:
-Orphenadrine Citrate
From what I was able to gather Dorflex is used to relieve pain associated with muscle contractions resulting from trauma and tension headaches.
Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.
When I was in Brazel on vacation - I got such a trouble headache - Went to a Drug there and they gave me Dorflex - It was the best pill I had every had for the headache. Is it available here in the US - If it is a safe pill to take while in in another county - The Brazil poeple take it and no side effects and is not habit forming.
I have been getting migraines since I was a kid and everything I took was pretty much useless (ie everything that the doctors would give me). It was just luck that a Brazilian introduced me to Neosaldina (ie metamizole) and it absolutely nailed it. I have been taking about 600mg 1-3 times per month for the last 13 years and never had any problem.
I love Dorflex and I have been taking it since my early teenage years. I have been diagnosed with sarcoidosis and feel tremendous pressure on my joints as well as swelling. Dorflex was helping me mange these problems and with less side effects than prednisone as well as Zathioprine... But I ran out of this medication. Hence why I came to the web. Prior to prednisone and Zathioprine, I was managing my attacks with Dorflex - just didn't know then that I had sarcodoise!! Bottom line Dorflex can be a great medication to help with inflammation, muscle pain, ETC. At the end of the day... All medication poses a percentage of risk and side effects... Not sure why Dorflex got the bad wrap and short end of the stick and black balled. But one thing I know... Big time pharmaceutical companies are interesting in one thing ROE - maybe that is the reason behind all the madness!! One medication versus two... Doesn't sound very profitable to pharmaceutical companies at the end of the day. Lol.
The substance used in the USA in the past to make Dorflex was Metamizole (Dipyrone). In Brazil they use a combination of Orphenadrine + Dipyrone + Caffeine. Maybe the dosage used in the USA was very high...
Everybody in Brazil loves Dorflex!!! It is very good to treat painful muscle spasms... I love it!!!!
It is quite hilarious to see the blind defense of the almighty god FDA by Americans and the laisser-faire comments by the Brazilians. What a nice cultural shock. Unfortunately science is no black and white as most make believe. If would like some real facts though check out
I've heard of engov
It awesome
This Brazilian girl gave me one once
I couldn't believe how grate that was
Where can we get this
I guess the rain forest Brazil has the best drugs in the world
But us gov wants us to be ignorant about it
Dorflex is the best. Nothing similar in Europe unfortunately.
I use to have sever migraines ...nothing prescribed by my us physician helped at all...i could stand the lunch. Noise or even sleep for 3 days in a row like 1 or 2 times per month until my sister introduce me this Brazilian drug...i just love more migraine pain and suffer..
I'm from Brazil, I use to bring Dorflex to USA.
For me is the best pill.
Metamizol is banned in US and UK. A 66 yr old Irish man died when prescribed the drug while travelling in Spain; it seriously depleted his white blood cells. Be careful when taking something from another country. However, I wish more drugs were over the counter in US.
In USA and others Anglo-saxon countries like Australia, the only value what it is in the books.
In these countries should be compulsory to do 1 year of exchange learning in countries with different diseases and remedies..... specially tropical places.
Go for Doctors without borders and work there.....
Sure do! Engov Plasil Dorflex Neosaldina great drugs....I have taken all , still taking. They are perfectly fine. To me though..
How do you order this or do you have to see a doctor?
How can I get Dorflex in San Diego ou some similar?
How can i get Dorflex in San Diego?
Can you recommend some store or a similar medication?
Where do you get the Neosaldina? I have been looking for it everywhere and can't find it. I know it is sold over the counter in Brazil, but I can't find anywhere to get it in the US.