Does Oxycodone Show Up The Same As Percocet On A Urine Drug Test (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I am prescribed roxicodone 30mg, 4 a day. I have been suffering from chronic neck and back pain for the past 12 yrs. The pain medication works really well, but I guess my body has got immune to it and they dont seem to last as long. He doesnt want to increase the amount but they do not last the whole month. I have been obtaining a few percocets to get me through. My question is, when they drug test me to make sure I'm taking my meds, will the percocet show up the same as the roxy or should I quit taking it? I cant afford to lose my script but I also need to get out of bed and get things done. Any help would be appreciated, thanx

120 Replies (6 Pages)

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He's right, your gonna get people in trouble passing false information to others.. they are two different drugs.JACKASS !

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No it is not the same OxyContin has to break down into a metaphor my doc said that it breaks down totally different they roxyxodone or perks I know this for a fact 100 % cause I got in trouble short term and long term will come out different if sent to the lab I'm not sure in a office urine if it tests only for opiates but when mine came back I insisted I took the meds and my doc said no u didn't and when I said why do u say that he said look I will show u right here u are prescribed roxy 30s and OxyContin 80s long term there is no long term here he said in order for it to show us you took the meds it has to break down in your stomach and it comes up completely different then any oxycodone short term just saying

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My Dr gives me percs 5 mg n my hubby 7.5s. I've taken afew of his. Now I have a urine test. Can they tell the difference. I'm so scared. I'm disabled with ms an run out if mine. I'll never do it again. Plz advise

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Yes it will show differently because norcos is a hydrocodone and percocet is an oxycodone so it will show up differently

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Contin does NOT SIMPLY imply time release ! Oxycontin 10 mg. & 20 mg. Are INDEED INSTANT RELEIF FORM !!! Some of your comment is correct but much of it is not. If comments or suggestions are not accurate they are useless !!

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I believe the break down in codien is morphine. I could be wrong look up the chart for medicine break downs

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can one percocet show up on urine test for positive

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What is the answer to quuestion about percocet showing up the same as oxys.

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Pain meds are such a pain. If I consume marijuana at the same time I would normally take my 5/325 norcos 3 times a day (for chronic lower back pain) I can totally get off my norcos. After 2 weeks go by of using mary jane I will have a lot of extra pills. Problem is: if I go the mary jane route then I need to start taking norcos again about 5 days before my dr appt in case I am tested.... I have tested positive for mj and my doc still gave me my norco Rx. I just said I was surprised cuz I only took a couple puffs a few weeks ago at a friends birthday party and I just got scolded a little while he wrote my Rx. I think he was more pissed that I smoked cuz smoking is bad for you. I told the last pain management doc that I occasionally have an edible candy once in a while so they won't label me a smoker. Lame but you gotta play the game if you want to keep getting your meds. Mary Jane will totally help get you off or cut back if you use it as a medicine and just toke when you would normally take the norco. It's also a great way to get to take a healthy crap for once if you can substitute MJ for norcos. After the 2nd day of just toking I feel great. Sleep is good too. Sativa during the morning and day the first 2 times I toke and indica for my 3rd time at night. Hope this helps some of you. It does not help to get a job though unless it's an oral swab test. Good luck to all. Try it, it totally works if you consume it when you would normally take your norco.

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If I take even half a blue 30 mg oxycodone and have to take a UA at pain management and usually I am prescribed 7.5 Percocet with Tylenol will it look the same thing or text differently? Now I wished I would've looked more closely at the contract but I just can't take the pain I'm trying to wait another day .

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I take a 10mg oxycodone and ended up taking a few 5/325 percocets a few days before a urine screen at my pain management appointment and my test came back positive for oxycodone. So they apparently both show up as oxycodone on a drug test OR my doctor would have said I failed. Oxycodone and percocet is the same as far as being oxycodone, however, the only difference is percocets have acetaminophen in it as a filler.

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I don't think you will pass your drug test... I'm not a doctor OR pharmacist but have been in pain management for years. If you're taking Ms Contin or whatever it will test positive for Morphine; however, percocet will show up as oxycodone. Hope this helps...

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Should a patient not getting 4 hours of relief, only like maybe 90 mins.,request this metabolizing test?

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Re: Ryan (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

It's says oxycodone 5 325 is that the same as a oxycodone 30? I had to take a pee test will pass I take the 30 but some the others will be the same.

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I just had a drug test for mu doctor last month and I took a lot of percocet to get me through... they said nothing... it's made up of 325mg of acemetophen and 5mg oxycodone.... I'm pretty sure your good... lmk

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Re: renee (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

Are you seriously asking this question, Renee. There's 99 posts before yours. Did you read any!!? Of course taking 1 perc will show up. Wake up.

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Re: LoveTheJourneyNotTheDestination (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

REALLY GREAT reasoning, I have been through SO much with pain, when others were asking for MORE " because their tolerance went up " I was asking for less, NOT because I HAD less PAIN, because I didn't want to have a ball and chain around my neck. Chronic pain is a horrible way to live, yet THERE is nothing that Will keep anyone from being totally pain FREE, TAKING medication as directed is a must, just because it says take every 4, 6,12 hours doesn't mean YOU MUST, keeping that in mind allowed ME to lower medication down to the bare minimum, AM I in pain ABSOLUTELY , 7-9 on a pain scale daily but I am able to function NOT as well as BEFORE but I have some quality of life. Anyone who is able to do something to fix and perhaps get rid of the issues causing pain should. Living in chronic pain is manageable , I humbly recommended all to do exactly what your supposed to do. Try to take the least possible, even though your body will want more, more and more. That's where the problems start. Your in charge of your own health care. Less is more, being bedridden and partially comatose for three years, taught me HOW extremely important and fragile LIFE is. Talk openly and honestly with your Dr and stick to whatever plan you and they make up for you. Hoping all have the least amount of pain possible today and everyday.

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I took a drug test with percocet in my system that was not mine, but I do have a script for oxycodone / acetaminophen. Do oxycodone and percocet come up the same in a drug test?

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I'm prescribed oxycodone 10 mgs. I ran out and took Percocet 5/325 for 2 days before my Dr. visit. My urine was sent out for testing via gas spectrometry. Will it show the difference?

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I take 10/325mg oxycodone. Does oxycodone hcl 10mg show up differently on a urine test from the lab?

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