Does Gabapentin Cause Major Itching
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I take 300 mg gabapentin at night for post operative foot pain and have started itching profusely does this med cause that and if so how long do you have to be off of it before it subsides?
I my self was taking Gabapentin some time ago and I remember being itchy at night time that the itch was so bad that that my stomach looked like a red tomatoe but I never had any idea about the Gabapentin medication until I put in the hospital for chest pain and wasent told why until a about couple of months ago that I started talking the Gabapentin again and the itching started all over again and I got myself unto Chrome and ask the question about the Gapentin and the itch and it took a couple of weeks for the itch to go away I had bought Cortizone the fast itch relief but that didn’t do the trick getting off it was the best thing I did and I myself personally recommend that anyone taking Gabapentin speak to your Doctor asking him/her to take you of the Gabentin Medication there are other medications for pain or for what ever reason we’re taking Gabapentin.
Re: Ken (# 37)
you may find some relief ( I do ) regarding that annoying itch , it's OTC Cetaphil DailyAdvance Lotion , Ultra Hydrating Skin & Body Cream
Clinically proven to hydrate and protect dry skin for 24 hours . as well as drink your water etc. as for the rash take note prior and after that itch , it may appear due to scratching of course , a possiblity perhaps .
Re: Loretta (# 5)
I have severe leg itching is it caused from using gabapentin? Also I have a red rash. Can someone tell me if it is caused from using gabapentin?
Re: Verwon (# 3)
Problem with those sprays and store brand 1% cortizone spray, it only lasts 30 minutes or so.
Re: Jay Woo (# 6)
finding some Relief from both Eucering skin calming cream & Tricalm, both OTC, suggest trying, one may work better than the other at times... however it's worth it. May be gradual.
Re: Elizabeth (# 31)
Elizabeth, I forgot to mention: In the event you should have an annoying itch, try Eucerin skin calming creme. It's relieved my postherpetic neuralgia itch somewhat.
Re: Elizabeth (# 31)
Elizabeth, first, Thank you for the reply. I've been taking Dilantin for 41 years and finding out these things on our own is somewhat unfair. I too am willing to inform others. I take Calcium Citrate w/ Vitamin C along with taking note of food-stuff that's good for bones, avoiding alcohol and not smoking. I also wear a compression stocking along with work boots, they both protect and limit the range of motion in foot & ankle. I also take those two meds two hours apart along with exercise and get a good nights sleep and am willing to listen to any suggestions as well as limit stress and aggravation. Thanks again.
I was taking gabapentin and I was having bad dreams, not being able to sleep and going to pee many times during the night. I looked this up and some people do get these side effects. No longer on gabapentin
Re: Jay Woo (# 10)
How long have you been taking Dilantin? I was on it for over 40 years and now have Dilantin induced osteoporosis. I also had seizures but I'm not epileptic. Please check with your doctor and have him or her write a prescription for vitamin D3 and calcium levels. If needed talk to your doctor about vitamin/calcium supplements. You need to be on an AED for epilepsy but please have you blood work checked. Exercise too. It helps to strengthen your bones. I wish you good health and good bone health.
Re: Scalp scratcher no more (# 29)
I had rhe same problem and had to get off of that medication. After a few days it went away. The strange thing was I had taken it a few yrs ago and had no problem with itching.
Thank you for letting me know I may not have an uncontrollable OCD compulsion to keep scratching my scalp to the point where serious damage is done and I destroy the hair follicles with my fingernails. My BFF is only person besides dermatologist see all scabs and sores I have believed were on my scalp and constantly itching. Other than area being pink from scratching they see nothing. Was prescribed a lidex type of solution to apply 2 x day. Loaded with alcohol. Tried several dandruff shampoos and health store varieties with tea tree oil. Probably spent at least a $100 on different anti itch scalp shampoos. It's now September and this has been going on since beginning of year when it became really noticeable and impossible to stop irritating scalp with fingernails combs brushes. My scalp has been so hypersensitive that a breeze blowing on my hair causes nerve endings to flame up begging to be scratched without relief and told by doc probably in my head not on my head. I'm stopping gabapentin now. I think it affects my balance and eyes as well. Looking like a nut with my finger scratching the itch on top of my head and possibly causing bald patches is no longer allowed in my life.
Re: Mel (# 4)
I have been itching since i havent had any gabapentin is this normal. Never itch when i was on it
Alert! If you are itching wildly at night, it's not you, it's your Gabapentin!
Im so glad you found this Gabapentin page,
kim ! It also helped me to see others who had the symptoms of what I already knew and my doctor either does not know it, or won't admit !
Doc said it was "just dry skin..." and I said, "No, this came upon me suddenly!" I KNEW.
I knew it was a side effect of the Gabapentin. Because we know our own wellness. And thats not a normal or good side effect and its not okay.
Gabapentin is one extra pill I am not willing to take anymore. Ever or ever again. I had a friend who loved the Gabapentin and he was taking the max per day. I just dont want that high a dose.
If I have not been clear. Gabapentin is not safe for me so I am no longer EVER going to touch one again. I once took Lyrica in 2012 when I was in university, and that worked very well for the pain. ...but my insurance did not cover it. at that time 3 years back I have a new insurance now so I am going to ask my doctor if I can try Lyrica with a sample maybe.. Hope this can help others.
Just started this on Thursday and already the itch is horrendous
Kim no side effect for me. I quit cold Turkey with no side effects. I feel strongly about NEVER taking gabapenten ever again.The itching was excruciating and the Gabapenten pill is not worth it for me. I don't think I need it that bad. For now I would rather have the pains.I can't stand the itching. it's miserable.Not worth it.
About 2 or 3 weeks for me to completely stop the itching after I quit. Between my fingers and palms of my hands and worse at night! That was after many months of taking it. THEN another time I thought I would try it again like a year later. I was having all it of neuropathy foot pain so I tried it again. Within 1 week I was itching profusely. I stopped immediately and it took about a week for the itching to stop.Hope this helps.
Abrupt Withdrawal (sudden stopping) may cause adverse reactions a.k.a. sudden side effects or other complications in some (we are not all the same) I stopped "gradually", you've got the rest of your life, what's the rush. As for that ITCH I found relief using OTC Eucerin skin calming creme, my local drug stores & supermarkets etc. all had it in stock. Try a search "long hot baths provoking itch".
You may want to try EUCERIN skin calming Creme ..... " creme " is deliberately spelt that way ? , it is the only one of Countless Ones I've tried to use for that Horrendous Itch ... I know the feeling , all to well .
Three years ago I was prescribed 300mg daily of Gabapentin for nerve pain. This summer my feet started itching, mostly at night. It's gotten much worse. Yesterday I saw my pain mgt doctor. I mentioned the itching and prickly feeling and told him I saw some people online had the same issues. He blew off my idea, told me not to stop it and go to my derm or family doctor. Well, my derm today agreed with me! I'm getting a numbing cream--and that is what Gabapentin is supposed to be doing! I'm going to start weaning myself off slowly and then see how I feel. Thanks for this blog!!
Yes, for me and many others gabapentin makes our hands and fingers itch like crazy! I swear to you i could not take it anymore and I love my doctor but he was wrong when he said "probably dry skin".
NO. it's NOT. Its a maddening itchiness that is not worth the itchyness.Trust yourself and ask for another med for neuropathy. I mean for gods sake gabapentin is for people with seisures!
There is Lyrica which is fantastick in more ways than one, however my insurance wont cover it.
But I took Lyrica for awhile in the beginning and loved it- no side effects either. Anyway, I hope this opinion helps and I appreciate reading everyones input here.I learn allot and I feel better knowing itchiness with gabapentin is a known side effect by its patients! My doctor won't admit it lol.
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