Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Meds Joplin Mo (Top voted first)


My brother is a disabled vet of the gulf war with a lot of chronic back pain and he's got a lot of health problems. Are there any doctors in Joplin MO taking new patients?

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Did u ever find a decent pain doctor in Joplin mo?? I am new to the area, but I am familiar with dr Knudsen ( I use the title of Dr very loosely) nobody should ever use this dr... I have multiple problems.. Desperate for a decent dr.. I need injections as well as meds

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Hello Cindy! Sorry to hear about your brother. How is he doing?

Does he currently have a PCP?

If so, that would most likely be the easiest way for him to get the help he needs, he can ask them to refer him to someone.

Most pain management specialists have been swamped, due to the change in regulations this year, so it's difficult to get in, without a good referral.

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