Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication Spartanburg Sc Area (Page 2)
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Buldging disk in lower back and also broke my L2 vertebrae in 2006 pain is intolerable
The costs and your lousy economy and the manipulation of your mortgages and lives are done by Odumma don't kid yourselves.
They are!
The changes aren't due to the President. In fact, the effort to reclassify opiate based painkillers, and restrict the amount physicians are allowed to prescribe began in 2000.
The Executive branch has nothing to do with decisions made by the FDA.
Can you please send me the information of the Charleston one? I would like to check in. And are they writing prescriptions OR giving Inj's.? Both have worked but the inj's. seem to make me feel at a level 5 for a week then back up gradually to 7 and 8 by week 3. So I really need both or just the medication. Thanks {edited for privacy}
It is the FDA 120 mg. morphine equivalent and anyone stupid enough to start drinking and threaten on this forum to commit suicide needs immediate psychiatric in patient help.
This is your president causing this and it will take several years of a regular president to rectify the mess he made. Due to this raging a hole we all suffer, some will die.
I posted a list of physicians who may help various states on the main trending post for 'physician who will prescribe vicodin' it seems to get the most posters. I do post regularly on all the top posts but tomorrow hope to be seeing a physician who does write. Due to my complexity after my physician in Houston of 10 years died I had to travel to California for 5 years. I stick with one doctor but the BEST in America dumped us knowing that in our case for he only handles RARE cases that we can die.
Jeslin, who do you suggest in Charleston? I can't even walk upright and haven't slept in days
Anyone know of a doctor willing to prescribe pain medication in Johnson City, TN? I've been dealing with neck/shoulder pain for over a year. Been to a chiropractor, acupuncturist and two medical doctors. The doctors won't prescribe anything stronger than a muscle relaxer, which doesn't give me any relief. Thank you for your help.
Jeslin, I live in Charleston and go to MUSC pain management. I've had epidurals, facet injections, transforaminal injections. Now they are talking about a spinal cord stimulator (NO!!!) I go to physical therapy, stretch, pray, cry.
I'm ready to try meds that will work. Who do you suggest?
I know a place in charleston area
edgewise1, good luck. Maybe I'll speak with them. Careful with those Tramadols though. They nearly killed me and left me with permanent nerve damage in my right leg and hand. My doctor gave em to me even though I was on Lexapro at the time (SSRI's don't mix well with Tramadol). lot of controversy over that drug recently as doctors are writing scripts for it like crazy. Lot of deaths, poisonings. Make sure you don't mix them with one of the billions of other things out there that they shouldn't be taken with. Go on the web and search for drug interactions. That drug even just by itself has caused some people serious problems. Talk to a GOOD pharmacist about what to watch out for when taking it. Read everything you can about the drug and learn the signs of poisonings/interactions. My Dr and pharmacist dropped the ball and never caught the problem they get trained, paid and paid well to catch. I'm right handed and am learning to be left handed now thanks to that little "oops".
I am going to Pain Management Specialists in Spartanburg S.C. On my first visit last month I was prescribed oxycodon 10mg four times a day which is currently adequate for my needs. I suffered a spinal cord stroke in July 2012 that was a partial stroke and has left me with a lot of leg pain. I am also prescribed Lyrica and tramadol which help. But I found everyone I dealt with to be very professional and very nice. I highly recommend.
Not much response on this thread but I thought I'd update... Tried a few more "second opinions" and received VERY terse and rude treatment by all pain management doctors I've visited with. I've been upfront and honest. Told them that my current doctor won't treat my pain, spend time finding solutions, and refusing to prescribe anything but placebos (prescription strength Ibuprofen or worse, SSRI's and other anti-depressants, promising they work wonders for their other patients) All while taking multiple UA's charged to my insurance at 15-30 times the actual cost (saw one UA charged for over $1,300). They don't even look at my MRI scans showing massive trauma to my lumbar region with several causes for moderate to severe chronic pain. Just in and out as fast as they can, treat me rudely and never stop to listen after asking how I'm doing,write a script for something I could get over the counter, order a UA, then off to the next patient while I'm still just beginning to explain my symptoms.
Medical care has gone from 20th century to the 17th century in just a few months. One nurse suggested I take anti-histamine to help relax me when I'm in severe pain. I told her why not just a shot of whiskey? She said that was a good idea. more monitored, insurance covered mild narcotic painkillers that allow me to live a semi-functional life and instead stay home drinking and taking Aleve, Tylenol, and booze until my liver fails. Apparently that counts as "pain management" now. Spoke with my primary care provider about this... she took pity and prescribed 0.5 mg Xanax for when I have panic attacks when the pain becomes so severe I have to punch holes in the wall and slam my head into a door to make the pain go somewhere other than my lower back for just a short time.
If things don't change soon I will have to end the pain the permanent way, with a bang. I'll go find a quiet, remote spot where I'll never be found so no one will have to be bothered to clean up the mess or pay for disposal. Sorry folks, America has fallen to the bottom of the pack in healthcare among all first-world countries. F*** you USA. Greed has finally taken a step too far. Fire your doctors. Fire your insurance company. Burn you're bills. screw em. good-bye and good luck.
if you have had surgery, get your surgeon to refer you to pain management along with all reports and x-rays, also any mri's.. any and anything you've got to give.
I've tried Piedmont Comprehensive Pain Management in Greenville and the dr I'm seeing cut my pain meds in half at my first visit and is threatening to not prescribe "one single pill". Despite saying they would monitor my pain levels closely over time I barely see the dr as the visits are about 60 seconds and he never asks about my pain levels or functioning. The wait times can go over 90 minutes too. They referred ma to dr Mina for a spinal stimulator and had it done 6 weeks ago. So far I'm not getting the relief I need to function. If you find a dr that will actually prescribe hydrocodone or something equally effective PLEASE post it so I can have a chance at a normal life.
Hello, Tamtam! How are you?
Due to the new regulations set forth by the DEA last year, you'll need to see a specialist to have pain medications prescribed. A general practitioner won't prescribe there for you.
However, do you currently have a PCP that could refer you to someone? If so, that might be the quickest and easiest way to find the help you need.
Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area?
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