Doctors Willing To Prescribe Oxycodone In Phoenix (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Please please please someone direct me to a doctor who will listen and prescribe the amount of oxycodone my son needs. Pain management clinics are a joke and fall short of what we know will keep him comfortable until they can do the therapy or procedures that may be able to get him out of pain so he doesn't have to take it. He only needs 60 mg a day in 4 15 mg doses. That is what we've found works and makes it so he doesn't get sick from the meds and is out of the considerable pain he is in. He can't work because they won't give him enough to function. I have spent so much money I dont have to take care of him! He has Ahccs healthcare coverage! They only give him 3 10mg pills a day which falls short of the care he needs and is in so much pain. I am at my wits end! We are in Gilbert Arizona and need a doctor who will listen to the patient so we can pursue the other surgical and therapy options! He has a degenerative disc problem.

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Looking for a caring, intelligent and thorough pain doctor in Phoenix or the surrounding greater metropolitan area (Scottsdale, Glendale, Mesa, Tempe...ect) that will actually care and is willing to give the medication my husband can take. He is a Military Special Forces Vet and he has Gulf War syndrome causing sensitivity and even severe reactions to multiple foods and medications. We managed to get him from teicare 4 life to Medicaid so he didn't have to keep going to the hacks and quacks at the VA. They will either neglect or kill you there. My old doctor is impossible to get into when I had tried to get him there because he is awesome. He was booked up and hard to get in with. We tried az pain specialists, and at first we saw an actual MD, but then within a month he started only seeing new patients! The P.A. said a lot of insulting things, even "alot of vets I've seen are addicts!" my husband wont even have a beer at a 4th of July BBQ! He suffered with multiple combat injuries for DECADES never even self medicating!

He already had shoulder surgery, with more to come and extensive nerve damage. I dont want to take him to doc after doc just looking for someone who has some compassion and respect. He cant take NSAIDS, and morphine aggravates his migraines. Only thing that HAS worked is oxycodone with no acetaminophen, and that aggravates his IBS. With so many causes of pain and his size, he needs a high dose. Also has Type 2 diabetes so that contraindicates alot of medications as well. Torodol inj. made him seize, he's allergic to Immetrex as well and tried about 20 or 30 migraine medications over the years. I'm just so frustrated with the DEA and these politicians and even Gov. Douchy (yeah i said that! Hes a ******!) wants to butt into our care, and they are the ones who sent him to battle on literally hundreds of combat missions over a 15 year long career, most with Delta Force as a Lt. You would think someone would pay him the respect he earned and the relief to live as pain free as possible without harassment. Does ANYONE have any referrals that are solid so he doesn't get flagged as an addict/drug seeker/doctor shopping or some other BS? Thanks all! We are willing to drive to a neighboring town, but are based in central Phoenix. Please, anybody know? Maybe one who was a combat vet themselves. We have MRI, EMG, X-rays...ect. If they want VA records he will sign a release, but due to classification and his SF312 he signed, they were either refused or redacted. Oxycodone HCL is the only thing so far that even helps. Thanks!

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Hello my name is Philip and I was just reading your post i am a father youngest a year old and we just moved here from Oregon and I work for myself. I have a ruptured disc and two herniated discs and haven't been able to find a doctor to continue my medication that I was getting in Oregon and it's been seriously hindering me from working and taking care of my family in this new environment for us. I'm hoping that you find my situation serious enough need to give me a list of doctors that will continue my oxycodone medication. please any information will help. thank you and I hope all is well.

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I would like help please. Can you give me the name of a doctor?

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Yes the doctor is very legitimate and she's absolutely awesome.. I am going to see her tomorrow as a matter of fact. I suffer from many issues. I have kidney stones and bladder retention issues along with fibromyalgia, sciatic nerve pain and arthritis in both my neck and my lower back as well as herniated discs. I am very new to her practice but so far she's been awesome.

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does this doctor prescribe opiates? would she be good for someone who has been in an accident

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Yes she does. I take oxycontin 30mg and oxycodone 15mg

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That's exactly what I take. Thank you so much. I will be calling.

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I am looking for a doctor that will not have issues with me using my medical marijuana card. Thanks

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Cat, I I have tried to find her but everyplace I called says that she no longer works there can you please tell us where she works because I'd like to go see her as well

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Hi I'm also looking for a doctor that will proscribed oxycodon

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Hi Chuck. Why can't you go to those doctors any longer?

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Hi Owen. Did you ever get a new doctor?

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I'm in Mesa. Can someone plz share a Dr.'s number? I've been taking oxys for over a year and a half. I'm on 120 30mg tablets and got dropped to 90 20mg tablets in less than 2 months. I cant hardy move and now my lower back is starting to give out because the pain is radiating into my back.

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Hello, I moved to Phoenix from Globe and I have spinal stenosis on my L4 vertebrae and I'm on access and I was prescribed 120 of the 30mg oxy and 60 of the 100mg morphine and 90 soma. My doctor in Globe got in trouble for supposedly accepting sexual favors. Anyway, I need to find a doctor that will help me.

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I need a pain doctor who prescribe pain medication only

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I'm in desperate need to find a new pain doctor or PCP that will take over my medication management until i can get into a pain doctor or clinic up here.

J2thaZ - can you send me those doctor's information?

Any and all information is much appreciated.

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I am looking for a doctor and would like to call Sandra Gallo however, I cannot find her listed. Do you have a phone number for her

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Hey! I really seriously need the help like bad. FYI, i'm completely legit and have all the medical records to back it up, but i have had nothing but problems trying to find a dr. that will actually write for oxycodone 30 mg anymore, beyond the ones i've already gone to and are of no use to me now. From the sounds of your post you know the feeling, so if you honestly really know some and are willing to seriously save my life right now and give me all their info then id be more than happy to share with you all the ones that i've got and i myself have actually gone to before as well... Anyways, i really hope to hear from u soon and i would so greatly appreciate the help!!! Please & thank you.

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I need a new doctor. I can also share a good one. Please share in return.

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I have done everything but surgery for my neck and back pain. I have been on pain meds for years. 120 oxycodone 30s and 90 morphine 200s. It is the only treatment that works as it allows me to perform my daily activities. However, 2 weeks ago I went to my monthly apt with Dr Fernando and the doors were closed and now being told he lost DEA license. I have never been out of meds and I am horribly sick while trying to find a Dr that will write me . I found one place but don't have the money to see them as they are 400 to be seen first visit. I am having a hard time finding a Dr that will help get me back to my life.....asap as I am unable to function and unable to attend work with this pain along with being very sick (withdrawal).need a new dr.

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