Doctors Who Prescribe Alabama (Top voted first)
Updatedbeen taking xanax for over 30 years was told they would ween me off the did not do that went to detox and left when because they told me too. i took my meds every day just like i wsa told and garded them with my life because i never ran out. i am a 65 yearold grown man and need these meds because i have anxiety and hypertenison.nedd a doctor in my areacode 36582 who will try to help me i know you have heard this same story many times and would blame you if you did not want to help. 1 pill 3 times a day could savemy life. i never knew 30 years ago what this stuff could do to you . the doctor tol me to take and it would calm me down
3 Replies
Is Alabama especially tough on Doctors who prescribe Xanax? Some of the Southern States have new self imposed guidelines on certain drugs. Perhaps look out of your area
I know management has approved this link in my posts. Here are a list of Xanax providers in Alabama which might help out
Dr. Ed words. Auburn opelika area. Ben of,amph. Doctor.
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