Doctors That Prescribe Narcotic Pain Medication Ocean County Nj
UpdatedI just moved to Ocean County NJ from North Carolina....I have had 2 failed back surgeries and 1 failed neck surgery and still with 2 herniated discs in my back, one torn disc, and 2 herniated discs in my neck. I'm looking for a doctor in my area that won't force me under the knife again but is willing to give me something to take so that I can go on with my every day life functioning and taking care of my 2 small children. Please help...
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I had 11 operations #3 Back, # 1 Left shoulder, #4 Left ankle wiy
th 19 inches of nerve removed, #2 Right shin ops due to a Chainsaw cut into the bone, Herniation disk at T11-12, Broken Neck and several herniated and buldgeing and herniations and buldgings diske throughout my spine. I need a Pain Management Doctor that will adress all these issues and get me some type of quality of life.!!!