Doctors In Oklahoma Prescribe Oxycodone (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI'm looking for pain doc that will give me what my old doc did which was 30mg oxycodone (5 daily), 2mg xanax (4 daily), 10/325mg norco (6 daily). I live in okc, plz anything will help.
Have you had any luck with Dr names ? I'm new to this page abd just posted my first question. I don't know if i've replied to yours already but I see Dr Coughlin at the Tulsa Orthopedic Center. She is wonderful. I too am on disability with several medical conditions and several surgeries one being my first back surgery was botched. I hope this helps you. I'm in need of a Dr that will prescribe soma for my fibromyalgia andcTmj and xanax for my anxiety and panic disorders and have had no luck yet. I have been on those two meds along with my pain meds for over 30yrs and now that the laws have changed I cannot find a Dr that will write benzodiazepines or soma.
I see a few people posting Dr names but I don't imagine most will. I think everyone is afraid of their Dr being swamped by seekers instead of legitimate patients. In the boards for other cities I even see people asking for copies of other people's MRIs etc. It is getting really crazy.
I am glad you are happy where you are going and can get what you need. I didn't think any PM doc would prescribe both. It was my understanding that you now have to see a shrink for psych/anxiety issues and your PM doc tries to reduce pain to improve quality of life. That is fine with me because it is how I have been doing it for a long time. The new problem is that some PM docs will not allow your psychiatrist to prescribe you any benzo if you are on any opiate or opiate blocker. The psychiatrist in OKC pissed me off a long time ago because none do therapy. They all write prescriptions and consider themselves in the business of medication management ONLY. I have has several tell me "if you need to talk I can refer you to a psychologist". As someone who no longer drives I prefer to have as few trips as possible since they inevitably inconvenience my family. The psychiatrist don't care. They just double book every day and try to see 5 patients an hour. The receptionist for a downtown OKC psychiatrist told me exactly that when I was trying to schedule for 8:00 a.m. or just after lunch. I now have a great PM & a psychologist who I see every week but still no psychiatrist who actually cares how I feel.
Yeah i've thought about that and I don't like giving out my doctor's name either. Plus I've seen ppl get mad at someone and actually call the person's Dr's office and say that they are selling, ect...
If you find one that will do 30mg oxy, xanex 2 mg, let me know.....I live in OKC thanks
Dude sorry to say you better get ready to just be lucky that you end up on methadone and xanax even though most doctors are afraid but when you have records of 20+ years you might get lucky and get one kinda pain killer and your benzo im lucky to be getting what im getting because they shut my other dr down i was getting alit more than what you get i got 5 2mg xanax a day 100mg of methadone plus lorcet10 soma and Valium it lasted for a blurry 5 years but unless you have a good reputation with your meds and you can convince them your going to die without or how unbearable a lot of these doctors don't realize that to get off 20 years Xanax have it is going to take three years of pure misery sometimes longer good luck man I don't think you'll get some I think you'll get Xanax and a painkiller and that's it but I don't know your injuries I don't know how long you've been on these meds
Re: Shelly (# 20)
Did u find a Dr for Xanax? I've been having issues finding one. Klonopin works best for me.
Re: reba (# 47)
just to let every one know I have found a good careing doctor. And he is taking care of me I am blessed. So don't give up keep looking there is some good doctors still left in tulsa you just have to look hard for them. I was turned down like 5 times before I found mine.
Got hurt in Afghanistan, and the VA is cutting of treating vets for pain, so I am trying to find a doctor in Oklahoma City who will listen and not treat me like a pill seeker. I just want to get back to being able to function like I was. I appreciate anyone who can point me in the right direction.
Re: Sharon (# 55)
Dr Katrina crader prescribes Xanax she’s awesome she’s at ukpsych
Im in
By the way that last message was for Jemtel
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