Doctor In Richmond Va Who Will Prescribe Opiates For Severe Chronic Pain (Page 10)
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I have moderate to severe Degenerative Disc Disease of Cervical Spine with severe narrowing (stenosis) along with bulging and herniated discs with severe arthritis (osteo) also in cervical spine with boney spurs. I also have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome ad Chronic Fatigue. My pain management doc has done many different procedures, non giving much relief and no long term relief. She has told me there is nothing more she can do. So, I need a Primary Care Doctor who will take over writing my Morphine and Muscle Relaxer. My current Primary Care doctor said she trusted me totally but could not write RX for opiates. I need help. I will not be able to function without some pain meds. I live in Gen Allen, a Richmond, VA suburb. Please helpp. Thank you.
I am in the same boat as you and am looking for a pain management doc in the Richmnond area. Have you or anyone you know found anyone decent yet? I need to get an appointment by the end of November...
Please help me and provide that Drs name I really need a good doc
Were you able to find a Dr. near Richmond that prescribes opiates for major bone pain?
In need of a good pain doctor. In chronic pain same problems as everyone else. Please Please Please .... I need a doctor who will prescribe me the medication I really need to treat my problems. Please get back to me ASAP... Richmond or Northern Virginia
Pleas Send Name Of Dr. I'veBeEn UnableToWalkOr Care ForMy Baby For 8 Months
I have sciatica, facet damage which makes me need ablasions about about every 8 months and a tilting and rotating pelvis. I am currently taking 1 1/2 10 mg lortab 2 times a day. I may be moving to Richmond VA. Does anyone know a DR that will keep me on my medication?
Can you send mr name if doc?
Hi... can you please share your doctor's name who is helping you with your pain by trusting you with pain meds? I really need help. Thanks so much.
I also am in need of a new doc for my chronic back/spine issues. Have been under care of pain clinic/med. management doc for several years and very soon moving to Richmond area. Can anyone give me names of docs in area who will prescribe my meds, please. Oxycodone 15mg and ativan.
Hello Mike....I have been also taking 30mgs of oxycodone (150/month) and 10 mgs methadone (150/month) - from my pain management dr. For the last 6 years. - However he just retired 2 months ago and I am now desperately needing to find me a new pain management Dr. - I live in the Richmond area and wanted to see if you would be able to forward me any Doctors names or info that you may know of that I might try to get in with? Thanks for your time and any help you may offer - And I hope that you can get your pain more controlled soon.
Can you send me ur dr's info please? I live outside of richmond and can't find a dr that will help me with pain. {edited for privacy}
I would like help seeing subs dr
Subs anyone? My dr is taking new patients in richmond, va area. Email me {edited for privacy}
Bluebell, were you able to fine neone? I also know of several subutex/suboxone prescribing docs in richmond too.
Hey who do you see? I'm in Spotsy and need a new doc
Would you be willing to share the name of your doctor? And are you around/near Richmond VA? And Katharine, were you able to find a doctor?
Have been on opiates for 18 years for incredibly painful IBS and probably Chrons disease (it's been a while since I had a colonoscopy, but there is a Chrons blood panel now, and my number is off the charts). Have been seeing doc for 14 yrs-prescribes 240 30mg oxy and 6 10 mg methadone. But due to the incredible tolerance, it isn't even close to stopping pain.
Hello, Katharine! Sorry that you're so miserable, it's terrible for anyone to have to suffer.
However, under the new regulations that were enacted this year, no PCP is going to be able to prescribe you opiates for long-term chronic pain. They have been severely restricted on what they can prescribed, how much they can prescribe, why they can prescribe it and for how long they can prescribe it.
In order to continue getting them you'll need to have them prescribed from a pain management specialist.
Learn more Morphine details here.
Is there a different pain management specialist that your PCP can refer you to?
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