Doctor In Richmond Va Who Will Prescribe Opiates For Severe Chronic Pain
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I have moderate to severe Degenerative Disc Disease of Cervical Spine with severe narrowing (stenosis) along with bulging and herniated discs with severe arthritis (osteo) also in cervical spine with boney spurs. I also have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome ad Chronic Fatigue. My pain management doc has done many different procedures, non giving much relief and no long term relief. She has told me there is nothing more she can do. So, I need a Primary Care Doctor who will take over writing my Morphine and Muscle Relaxer. My current Primary Care doctor said she trusted me totally but could not write RX for opiates. I need help. I will not be able to function without some pain meds. I live in Gen Allen, a Richmond, VA suburb. Please helpp. Thank you.
I have been on opioids and oxymorphone for my degenerative disc disease & herniated discs. I have been successful with my pain regiment. However, my doctor retired. Now I am desperate to find a doctor who can help me stay with the medications I need. {edited for privacy}.
Re: Mike (# 2)
Has anyone replied here to this question? I'm literally going to go into foreclosure on my house if I don't find a good decent fair pain dr... I have been on my meds for 16 years and the ones out here in VA beach that prescribe demand insurance. This is crazy scary. I'm even willing to drive to Richmond so I can work and continue to support myself my kids and keep my house. God bless you guys. This is horrible for us legit people that play by the rules... Again good luck all of you. Please help!! I truly don't want to drive all the way out there and wind up with a horrible team of rude people... Drug panels and the rules are fine. I'm also hoping it's a 2 month cycle and not every 25 days for appts but that part no one can control. I understand. Thanks! Help please!
Re: ALSFighter (# 101)
I sure do know where you're coming from. I have had 18 surgeries since 2009 and just went through one that left me with a nurse coming out three days a week and I really need a good doctor. If you can help please let me know.
Re: Stacey (# 108)
Hi Stacey. Was this dr will to prescribe meds? I only ask bc I have wasted time and money trying to find one. My pm dr has relocated and I'm just out of meds.
Re: Cherry (# 127)
Also, I have an appt with a Dr. Thomas at comprehensive Pain Specialist for March. Is this the same one you had a bad experience with? I don't want to wast my time if so.
Re: Cherry (# 127)
Hi Cherry. Can you tell me if Dr. Gu was a success? My pm dr has left the area and now I'm desperate. I recently saw Dr. Holland at National Spine and Pain but he was not helpful. Would not write for Oxycodone and increased my gabapentin and prescribed a muscle relaxer and told me that if I did not get off the pain meds surgery would not help me. Thank you in advance for your help.
Re: Anonymous (# 153)
Hi. Could you please share with me the pm dr info? I recently have started pm and I am almost out of my meds and having no luck finding another dr that will prescribe medication. I will be having spinal surgery later this year and I am desperate. Thank you in advance.
Re: ALSFighter (# 101)
Hi, I am hoping you can give me your pm dr's info. I am suffering from ddd, 2 bulging disk, stenosis, arthritis. This starts at my C2 and continues down to C7. My left side is more severe than the right. I am in chronic pain and have a referral for pm. I have had 2 shots, that did not help and have tried pt numerous of times. My last dr had me on Oxycodone 15mg 4x a day as well as gabapentin 300mg. He no longer takes my insurance and I can not afford the office visits and the time off from work to travel to him. I just ran out of my meds and have not had any luck finding a new pm dr that will continue to help me. I thank you in advance for your help.
My wife has a lot of medical problems need med for chronic pain
Re: Mike (# 2)
Hi Mike. I am in great need of pain management as you are. If I may ask, do u know of and/or would you provide me with the names of doctors who r willing to prescribe oxycodone? From what I understand there are doctors in Richmond in which payment for the initial appointment is required and then a monthly amount every month thereafter. I am particularly interested in these doctors. I appreciate your time and look forward to All of those feelings and feeling safe is heightened when we r on the phone. It's like you're right next to me. I pray that you be blessed the means of managing your pain.
Hi there, my name is Amie and I live in Fredericksburg, VA. I have been on methadone for about 12 years now as this is the ONLY med that completely works for me, but unfortunately my dr. is no longer in practice and I have been searching my butt off for a dr. that will write me the same script I use to get, but I so don't understand why in the world it has become so hard to find a good dr. that will continue to write my usual scripts. I'm so very desperate and disturbed by how doctors have been treating patients lately. Please, please if anyone knows of a doctor in the surrounding Fredericksburg, VA area please contact me. Thanks for all your help!
{edited for privacy}
Re: Lori gunn (# 186)
Pain management is getting to be beyond insane! It's hard enough to find a doctor but now Insurance prescription plans are starting to require prior authorization for greater than seven day RX. CVS across the country is no longer going to fill any prescription greater than seven day supply. At this point I think you literally have to be dying and receiving hospice care in order to receive pain meds. Words don't describe the fury I feel because my young daughter has elected to no longer pursue treatment because the surgeries are too hard on her body and she can't get the pain management she needs and she's already started on her bucket list. Just heartbroken. My job is related to healthcare and rarely a day goes by that I don't see somebody else suffering who can't get the compassionate care and comfort they need. Wishing everybody the best of luck
I am looking for a doc who will prescribe me oxycidone 20 mg and 30 mg morphine can anyone help?
Re: Anonymous (# 153)
We really need help. The new laws that went into effect this year make it very difficult for PCP to see new patients with chronic pain as they are limited to only giving a 3 or 7 day supply. If it is an established pt they can do a thirty day new RX each month with a pain contract and drug panels. I want to be cautious in where I take my child because going to several doctors looking for help will get you labeled as pill seeking abuser.
Begging for help. My very young adult child has been suffering with pain due to rare conditions. Nothing ortho related. I cannot find anyone in RVA area to help. She is now terminal as there is nothing to be done and surgeries make pain worse. Her diagnosis does not qualify for palliative or hospice. Have not been able to find anyone to give RX, they all want to do injections but this can't be done because of pre existing genetic condition. Would consider alternative to opioids willing to try suboxone or methadone. I don't want to break law but am desperate to find help with someone to do pain management. Please help. It's bad enough my child doesn't have a long future maybe couple of years but what time there is shouldn't be sent suffering.
Re: RVAforusa (# 6)
May I ask the name of yourdoc.? I suffer from severe chronic pain,difficulty keeping my docs
Hi Mike. I too have Crohn's and lost my doc. I've been looking for 4 years but can't find another to prescribe pain meds. Could you please post your doc's name?
Did you ever get the name of a new doc? I am also relocating to Richmond area and looking for a new doc
Please contact me with a Dr name that is willing to write my opioid scripts, as I lost my Dr. He has passed away.
{edited for privacy}
Surgeon will no longer prescribe narcotics tho still have severe pain following fusion surgery -- and can't have injections because of this. Need pain management doctor
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