Doctor In Richmond Va Who Will Prescribe Opiates For Severe Chronic Pain (Page 9) (Top voted first)


I have moderate to severe Degenerative Disc Disease of Cervical Spine with severe narrowing (stenosis) along with bulging and herniated discs with severe arthritis (osteo) also in cervical spine with boney spurs. I also have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome ad Chronic Fatigue. My pain management doc has done many different procedures, non giving much relief and no long term relief. She has told me there is nothing more she can do. So, I need a Primary Care Doctor who will take over writing my Morphine and Muscle Relaxer. My current Primary Care doctor said she trusted me totally but could not write RX for opiates. I need help. I will not be able to function without some pain meds. I live in Gen Allen, a Richmond, VA suburb. Please helpp. Thank you.

198 Replies (10 Pages)

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Try this doctor: Tasha Dickerson of dominion medical associates at west 28th street in Richmond, Virginia. (804) 225-7177. She's a great doctor to see. The best part of her care is she is very honest and kindhearted, the best way to be. That says it all in a nutshell.

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Do you mind sharing the name of your Dr., I'm in Richmond, VA.

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try national spine and pain in glenn allen not sure what they can give you

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I'm so sorry for what you are going through, I'm from new jersey and been through 6 failed lower back operations damage nerve scar tissue on nerve 5 deterioration disc upper back 3 severe multiple bone spurs sticking me in my nerves and 2 bulging disc in my neck and another bulging disc in my lower back and need both kneese replace and all pain management are lowering pain meds and my new pain doc has now put me back in SEVERE PAIN I have no active life no sleep and I lay in bed or on the couch and I have thought about ending my life so many times I'm lucky I can still walk with a cane and sometimes a walker. The cdc and the government does not care about people in severe PAIN untill they ever go through it, it's a shame how we are being treated

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Hello, my name is Thea Wade and I am a 37 year old mother that suffers from Fibromyalgia, DDG, severe arthritis, and the lost goes on. My PCP doctor was writing my medications but said I have to go to pain management. I have tried injections and other intervention but the only way I can have the pain bearable is medication. If you could please help me. I really need it and feel like I will never find a doctor and your post caught my eye. If you can help please respond.


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Have you ever tried Kratom? Where r u? I am in Texas. We don't want you to get sick and make it all worse.

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Sadly, if you are in Virginia or are coming this way, may God forbid you have Aetna. I live in Richmond & was told by Aetna, after both PCP's that had me on a LOT of stuff, that there is NO one closer than Christiansburg that will treat you with only meds. IF you are "lucky" enough to get an appointment with either a pain specialist, they'll want to use that new laser spine machine to surgically "fix you", when I was examined & it was a no go, I was given bums rush out door with a list of other docs on it. Most were ones I'd already gotten at PCP's. The other option is to go into a physical therapy program, which often includes injections of steroids & some Lidocaine or Marcaine & don't work well & you cannot get more then 3 per year as it erodes both bone & tissue. You might also be pushed into going into a pain support group therapy thing. What I've found is those that can help won't & the others see true pain patients as a revenue stream. The malingerers have ruined it for us all (there are some, but most true pain patients have NO interest in "getting a buzz" they just want to get on with their lives).

Personally I ended up googling which drugs mitigated the opiates & I happened to be on some so I tapered myself, at my own pace, instead of the crash course the docs are doing. Got a new PCP, she "could" have written my stuff, but told me to face that "she wasn't trained in how to interpret the diagnostics that are now mandatory here for opiate prescriptions & besides the paperwork would keep her too busy to have a normal life." Boo hoo. The others, mostly pain docs or PCPs that have been treating pain people, are either not accepting new patients, retiring, deciding to work part time & reducing their patient loads. As if that wasn't depressing enough, the TV is flooded with some drone pitching an addiction rehab program. I personally find it insulting. If anyone in Richmond wants to share a resource, I'll not only be grateful, I'll keep you out of it, take it to my grave. I have a LOT of the same symptoms, djd in neck back, arthritis in hands/feet, etc., spondylosis, primary fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, chronic migraine & am allergic to both NSAIDS & Aspirin. Been taking 1 motrin daily, but causing GI bleeding. But I cannot stand just the Tylenol. Doing home traction & ice packs, with limited success. So tired I feel like I could just lie down on the floor & not move again. Sorry if I've ranted, but Richmond has become a cold cruel place for those in pain.

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Thanks for your help. I appreciate everyone's concern. I found a doctor Bonner in richmond that I'm going to next monday. If does not work out I will try Dr Dickerson. I hope that all of us going through this gets some relief. Others don't understand how much we have to deal with.

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Thanks for your concern I am trying accupuncture I found a new doctor Bonner going on Monday See if it works out.

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I will be going to new doctor on Monday the 24th will let you know how it goes

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Surgeon will no longer prescribe narcotics tho still have severe pain following fusion surgery -- and can't have injections because of this. Need pain management doctor

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Please contact me with a Dr name that is willing to write my opioid scripts, as I lost my Dr. He has passed away.

{edited for privacy}

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Hi Mike. I too have Crohn's and lost my doc. I've been looking for 4 years but can't find another to prescribe pain meds. Could you please post your doc's name?

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Re: RVAforusa (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

May I ask the name of yourdoc.? I suffer from severe chronic pain,difficulty keeping my docs

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Begging for help. My very young adult child has been suffering with pain due to rare conditions. Nothing ortho related. I cannot find anyone in RVA area to help. She is now terminal as there is nothing to be done and surgeries make pain worse. Her diagnosis does not qualify for palliative or hospice. Have not been able to find anyone to give RX, they all want to do injections but this can't be done because of pre existing genetic condition. Would consider alternative to opioids willing to try suboxone or methadone. I don't want to break law but am desperate to find help with someone to do pain management. Please help. It's bad enough my child doesn't have a long future maybe couple of years but what time there is shouldn't be sent suffering.

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Re: Anonymous (# 153) Expand Referenced Message

We really need help. The new laws that went into effect this year make it very difficult for PCP to see new patients with chronic pain as they are limited to only giving a 3 or 7 day supply. If it is an established pt they can do a thirty day new RX each month with a pain contract and drug panels. I want to be cautious in where I take my child because going to several doctors looking for help will get you labeled as pill seeking abuser.

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I am looking for a doc who will prescribe me oxycidone 20 mg and 30 mg morphine can anyone help?

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Re: Lori gunn (# 186) Expand Referenced Message

Pain management is getting to be beyond insane! It's hard enough to find a doctor but now Insurance prescription plans are starting to require prior authorization for greater than seven day RX. CVS across the country is no longer going to fill any prescription greater than seven day supply. At this point I think you literally have to be dying and receiving hospice care in order to receive pain meds. Words don't describe the fury I feel because my young daughter has elected to no longer pursue treatment because the surgeries are too hard on her body and she can't get the pain management she needs and she's already started on her bucket list. Just heartbroken. My job is related to healthcare and rarely a day goes by that I don't see somebody else suffering who can't get the compassionate care and comfort they need. Wishing everybody the best of luck

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Hi there, my name is Amie and I live in Fredericksburg, VA. I have been on methadone for about 12 years now as this is the ONLY med that completely works for me, but unfortunately my dr. is no longer in practice and I have been searching my butt off for a dr. that will write me the same script I use to get, but I so don't understand why in the world it has become so hard to find a good dr. that will continue to write my usual scripts. I'm so very desperate and disturbed by how doctors have been treating patients lately. Please, please if anyone knows of a doctor in the surrounding Fredericksburg, VA area please contact me. Thanks for all your help!

{edited for privacy}

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Re: Mike (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Mike. I am in great need of pain management as you are. If I may ask, do u know of and/or would you provide me with the names of doctors who r willing to prescribe oxycodone? From what I understand there are doctors in Richmond in which payment for the initial appointment is required and then a monthly amount every month thereafter. I am particularly interested in these doctors. I appreciate your time and look forward to All of those feelings and feeling safe is heightened when we r on the phone. It's like you're right next to me. I pray that you be blessed the means of managing your pain.

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