Do You Gain Weight With Suboxone? (Page 10) (Top voted first)


Hi I'm just starting to research suboxone. I'm currently going to a methadone clinic every day and it is such a hassle. I have to get up every morning at 4am to be there in time to get to work the line is so long but that's beside my point, My real question is Do you gain weight with Suboxone? This is my third attempt at trying to get off of opiates by taking Methadone but every single time I start taking Methadone I gain 40 to 60 pounds within the first 4 months. Most people do, some don't I just happen to be one of them. I get so discouraged by the weight gain that I stop going to the Methadone clinic and then start using again. Sadly my mom died from using the same drug I used before treatment. I have 3 children and want to get my life together again but I just can't cope with the weight gain. Can anyone tell me if Suboxone has the same side affect? And also is there any difference between Suboxone & Suboxine? PLEASE HELP!!!

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Re: jewelia (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

I have the same thing happening now and it started the first week on suboxone!

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Yes, subs cause weight gain as well but I believe it's probably not as much weight gain as the methadone causes. Good luck.. Martee

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YES! Youll will gain weight. But taking a lattice will prevent weight gain,
Try taking a fiber laxative u shouldn’t have a problem

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I know this is an older post.....but, Im on the weight gain side of taking Sub. Went from 190 to currently 230 and climbing! I crave sweets like crazy. I did eat right while I was taking pain meds and was in decent health shape. I have been taking 20mgs daily for a year now. Im also using it for the off lable use of pain management, when will the rest of the medical comunity see this is valuable for pain also. ps, I hate being fat, yuk

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I, too, am on the suboxone maintenance. I have been on it for 3 1/2 weeks. I started in detox and am on 8mg. a day-taken all at once. I live in Toronto, Canada, and there are not 'take home's. I have to put it in my mouth in front of the pharmacist.
I have not weighed myself, however, by how I look and my clothes fit I just know I have gained a considerable amount of weight. I AM TOTALLY MISERABLE ABOUT THIS-TO NO END!! Yes, I want to be off the other stuff, that's for sure. But this blowing up business is such b.s.-to me!
Guess I'll have to trade one (my slim weight) for another (freedom off the effin pain meds). I am hoping when I stop the sub, I'll lose the weight again. I don't plan on being on it for more than 6 weeks-at the outside!

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Has anyone here been on suboxone and gained the weight and then lost weight when they went off of it?


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Dear Tracy,
I have posted alot of comments on here. I was addicted to pain pills for years & years. I have been on suboxone for 3 years this month. It is a great drug to use and get off methadone & pills, but withdrawel is a hundred times worse and it will last for months straight. I have been winging down my dosage from suboxone and tried to withdrawel....let me say the withdrwawels are so miserable worse than any drug I have came off of. Suboxone is great to get off the other drugs but it should only be used short term ( 6months at the most) according to research...its not suppose to be used long term and it is VERY EXPENSIVE and I had insurance and was still paying $5oo out of pocket a month. I dont have craving for any other opiates anymore but I want off suboxone. I had put on 20pds in 3 years useing suboxone and I am struggling to get it off. I almost lost all my weight from the gain but it has taken forever to loose my suboxone weight gain. Suboxone also makes me severly constipated...makes me gain weight also. Suboxone is a great medicine to be on if you want to withdrawel from other opiates and can get rid of the craving...but get off ASAP (6MOTNHS tops) after a year I started to notice weight gain and it will just get harder to get off suboxone and getting off suboxone is the hardest opiate to withdrawel from especailly if you have been on it for a year...its true facts. I have done so much research. Its a good drug to get clean but bad drug useing it long term. The weight gain started after a year of being of suboxone. Its sucks because I have always been petitie and had never dealed with weight problems until suboxone...but cardio & low dosage of suboxone will keep you weight gain down and getting off of suboxone after 6 months would be perfect for anybody. I have been on this drug for a long time. Longer than most people and I know all the pros & cons about it. If you go to a doctor who gives you suboxone just beware they might tell you how great it is and no weight gain and blahblahblah. The docs get a percentage of $$ from suboxone company for the more suboxone they sale..keep that in mind. If you ever need anything or need to talk about suboxone I always reply back to the email replys to this article. I hope I helped Tracy. Good luck honey :)

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You must have a thyroid problem.. I have read studies that show bupe(drug in subs) dosent fluctuate thyroid levels at all in numerous cases studied. Maybe your getting older? Maybe you hit your metapouse?you should go a doctor because it's not the suboxone doing it. You'd be surprised how many calories are in things, even If you eat a little of the wrong food, if you eat over your daily caloric intake you'll gain weight regardless of the gym. Go get your thyroid levels checked!bupe is a OPIATE it dosent affect metabolism of thyroid at all do some research if you will. I'm not judging also I sayin fom experience suboxone makes everyone I know on it super lazy and content with doing nothing all day because your buzzed all day

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Hey, it's probably your age then... You'd be surprised how much the body changes from about 22 on, it seems weight sticks more an we could eat anything and not gain a pound in are younger years. I'm not sure your ag e I'dGuess this is happening tho I'm on subs too and was gaming weight and realized I eat healthy,
Count calories and am achieving my ideal weight with no interference from suboxone. Trust me it's not the subs!!

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I have gained so much on methadone and I get disgusted! I finally did a slow detox and made the switch to suboxone. do it too. you won't gain weight. my efforts trying to lose weight were a joke. people know when I am on methadone because I am never big unless I go to the clinic. methadone sucks. be smart and do a slow detox and make plans for a few days of taking vicodin and percocet and don't feel bad about that because you can't take the methadone or suboxone during these 5 days anyway.

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The bottom line is Suboxone causes most people to lose weight. I have lost over 20 lbs. since I started on it, and I asked my doctor about it just today. There is apparently a causal relationship between Suboxone and weight loss. The obvious question then, is why do some people gain weight. The answer is you have to look at each case individually, but the Suboxone did not cause the weight gain. If you're reading this and you have gained weight since you started taking Suboxone, take a look at everything else in your life that changed around the same time. You may have started a new anti-depressant or some other drug, or you may have had a lifestyle change in general that caused it. I'm not a doctor, I'm only stating what I learned from my doctor. It's hard to determine a causal relationship between many things in life, because our lives are so complicated. We can't live in a vacuum and separate all the things that go on in life from just taking the Suboxone, so it's difficult to determine what is causing what. It does seem pretty clear though, that Suboxone causes most users to lose weight.

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You're absolutely correct. It is complicated, more so because people who use Suboxone tend to use other meds, so a causal relationship is difficult to prove. I've been on Suboxone just over a year now, and I have lost 20 lbs or more. I just have no appetite while on the drug. I'm trying to get off it now, down to 8mg/day, and about to cut that in half. The last part will be really tough, but I'm ready to be "normal" again. All the best.

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Lossing the weight lol not kissing

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I am hopeful your clinic is successful. By successful I mean helping people end any type of addictive substance abuse. I gave my testimony and suggestions in response to someone who was requesting testimonies, pertaining to weight gain while using Suboxone as a tapering method of ending substance abuse. It seems I have upset a lot of people, including you. However, the person requesting testimonies did not have the same reaction as those who were not intended as recipients of my response, nor in my response did I request anyone else's consideration or critiquing of my testimony and advice.

It appears that those who were not part of the request I responded to, responded to my post of their own choice and basically have a two part objection to my comment. I recommended prayer along with what I believe viable dosage comparisons between Methadone and Suboxone and a basic tapering suggestion with an action plan. I received many scathing rebuttals and insults, of which all those who commented are within his or her right to do so. However, I did not read in the post made by the original person making the request, an additional request for analysis of individual responses made to her.

I do know is Suboxone and Methadone are opiate based engineered drugs and according to dosages, much different in potency in comparison. And, face facts, these specialized engineered drugs are just as addictive, if not worse that the drugs they supposedly are intended to replace, according to their purpose engineering. Many drugs people are attempting to end usage of can also be eliminated by still using them, through a tapering process.

There are very few clinics and programs that treat all aspects of patients heath and mental needs while a patient is attempting to end a usage problem and recover from drug abuse, including with an implementation of a tapering program. It is amazing to me how many crazy clinical recovery programs are marketed, where the programs designers and management haven't a clue regarding the differences of similar effecting drugs, their potency and the potency of Suboxone. Compared to an addicts abuse substance, dosages and potency comparisons and references are basically nonexistent. Do you by chance know what should be the corresponding starting dose for someone that is switching from Methadone to Suboxone? I think not.

Now specifically to your comment: You say you have a clinic, however do not name the type of clinic, the name of the clinic nor do you identify your qualifications to operate a clinic. You do not indicate one way or the other, if you are a recovering addict. If you are not an addict, or if you really have a clinic, with a minimal success rate, in my opinion you not qualified to comment on my comment. Your "take it with a grain of salt" indicates to me that my comment just may have relevance, perhaps raising question to the overall unsuccessful national, short term clinical results, due to policies and procedures that engage in the implementation of minimal care for patients and are more concerned about profitability.

There are three reasons / problems, people typically all have when attempting to end substance abuse, hoping for complete recovery from addiction. The first problem is the letting go of a substance one used that either made the user feel better in one or more ways or different, typically escaping from reality attempting to alter oneself mentally, physically, emotionally or a combination thereof...... which could include but is not limited to usage which could temporarily mask, reduce or eliminate depression, physical problems including but not limited to pain, emotional problems or disorders, when the aforementioned were not created or induced by substance use. The second reason being it's hard to end use of a substance when having the knowledge of an unavoidable withdrawal process, which could include minimal to severe physical discomfort, pain, experiencing temporary diminished mental capabilities, especially during the early withdrawal period. The third and final stage of recovery, I think a major problem of continuing a recovery process parallels the second stage process where again, the knowledge and understanding of withdrawal symptoms is accentuated knowing that the final stage of a recovery is a finalization process that after ending the substance use, one must abstain from repeating substance use, ever again, and deal with what can be a long term physical and mental recovery process.

You did indicate I was "slightly on target" when I mentioned diet. When you basically glossed over the importance of a healthy diet. I personally, as well as many others do, including in the medical profession, believe a healthy diet and healthy activities are critical for anyone seriously wanting lifelong and long life sobriety.

I would think it safe to assume, not only for addicts and normal folks, that 90% of physical and a vast amount of emotional illnesses can be directly linked to poor or unhealthy diets. Why do I include emotional illnesses with physical illnesses? It's pretty simple to figure out if someone is ill physically that emotionally there is an unquestionable side effect. You can argue this point if you like, but facts are facts.

Finally, I want to address my reasoning for suggesting not only prayer but serious prayer. When I speak from experience, I include what I believe to be important factors in my recovery and maintaining my sobriety. I can only speak for myself and no matter what I may comment on or suggest, the receiver has free choice and will to basically use or reject a part or in whole anything I might recommend.

I have no clue, nor is there any indication this young woman is a person of faith or not. I am, so I speak in that manner. You see, that is my right. If a person is one of faith, then I want to make sure I emphasize "serious prayer" because in today's religious society, casual relationships with what many denominations refer to as God, is worthless, in my opinion. No one is obligated to do as I say, he or she can choose to accept my suggestion, reject my suggestion or "Take it with a grain of salt".

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Hi Meagan,
I just read your post about feeling sleepy and sedated on your current dose. Are you using Subutex or Suboxone ? I don't think the Narcan in Suboxone would "allow" that. Also there really is a ceiling at about 12 mg. Any more than that is a waste of money. You must be on Subutex. You should switch because your still getting high.

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I have been on 12mg of subutext for a year and a half and have gained a significant amount of weight and i seem to be eating less then i did prior to being on it. Im concerned because the weight gain is effecting my back and all sorts of things. However i am a chronic relapser and have been to 15 inpatient and outpatient rehab programs and so subutext is kind of my last option. Im afraid of going off it completely but does anyone know if I were to drastically cut my dose down to maybe like 2-4 mg would the weight gain decrease?

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I have been taking Subs 8 months. I'm usually 190 30yr old M. I'm up to 240! I never used to crave sweets like this. I also don't buy the whole it's detox from opiates argument. I've been off opiates 8 months on a stable dose of suboxone. I'm tapering down now. And working out. Good luck to everyone! Stay sober and God Bless

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What in the world are you concerned about being a big guy? There are plenty of big girls in the world as there are men. There is no rule for big or small and be careful when you start becoming your own judge, on all matters. Join some groups and get out of yourself. I am not picking on you, I have problems too and over a period of time gained a lot of weight while on methadone. I know nothing about you but I will suggest something that I think would help you. If you are not a Church goer, start going. Figure out what your fundamental beliefs and values are then find a Church that fits, then stay in it. Yes, you are going to find apostate members in every Church, pastors and elders that dip in the cookie jar but that is not your responsibility to police the Church. if people worry about a Church mishandling tithes and gifts, find a Church that provides a monthly financial statement, they do exist. Now, if you do start attending a Church, don't be shy. If you can love one person you can love everyone, it requires "your commitment to compassion". Be grateful that you can wake up and realize that the gift of breath is still in you. If goals and expectations are set to high, you will ultimately experience disappointment which leads to depression and anger. There is no real immediate success at anything and defining success all by yourself is dangerous. If you want peace and joy and laughter and hope you have to give yourself permission to experience that and ask the one that created it all for that. Miracles happen overnight and sometimes over years. Please my friend, don't give up I guarantee you if you open your eyes, mind and heart you will be able to see the miracles daily around you and who knows, maybe that alone is enough miracle for you. May God bless you and your loved ones and fill your life with peace love and happiness. The world, well it is just about done, so go after the important things not the temporary stuff we are offered here.

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Please forgive me for being a little brutal but someone needs to be honest with you. Firstly, if you can maintain a weight before going to methadone, your problem isn't methadone. You need to get a grip on your life and I suggest adding serious prayer to your life along with getting serious about quitting drugs.

I don't know what you are taking right now other than an opiate base drug. The methadone programs typically start you off with too much medication. Suboxone is strong. When I went to suboxone from methadone I had gone down from 60mgs a day to 20 mgs a day methadone. My doctor and most doctors have no clue what to start someone at so you have to be your own "Honest" doctor. Mine wanted to start me with one 8mg under the tongue strip twice a day.

I started doing some research and found out that most doctors with even a little knowledge said to start off with 2mg and then give it a few hours. If you feel okay after a few hours, roughly 2 to 3 hours, then don't take anymore. That will actually get you through 24 to 30 hours. Then go with 2mgs again.... You need to learn that you are not going to feel great as you tapper off.

Suboxone is a little different than methadone because your bodies brain and natural own system will start producing its own chemicals. Once you figure out what the least amount is you can survive with then start your reduction, If you have 4mg strips start cutting in half. If 2mgs will get you by then go for about 15 to 30 days. Then little by little start cutting your does smaller.

Give yourself a goal, but a real goal. 6 months to a year is realistic and if your dose is higher, it will take longer. You will find you can get down to 4mg then 2mg pretty quick. From 2mg you are going to experience slight withdrawal symptoms but very little. when you get down to .5 mgs you are almost there..... keep at it and go slow.

Now, you need to figure out what your body needs as far as food. You are an addict and I am an addict. Our subconscious knows no rules other than if it feels good its great and it remembers what is good, even if it isn't good. If you eat irregularly, stop it. Would you feed your kids 24/7 and anything they wanted? Eat a normal meal, you can figure that out and stop! don't eat anything past 6 PM, drink water or if you have to eat something, eat celery, without goop on it.

You probably drink very little water. I don't know if you smoke but if so, that doesn't help. Here is the main thing you need to learn. You need to stop letting yourself give yourself permission! If you go slowly, you can get off methadone or suboxone. My doctor is an i**** because I had gone down from 60 to twenty mgs in a few months. For what ever reason, he wanted me to go on suboxone and would have started me out at 16mgs a day which is probably really equal to 60 to 80 mgs of methadone.

Suboxone is strong, you will probably get the nods, even with 2mgs if you are not active. But eating regular times, getting on a schedule of sleeping and then doing something, physically active. I din't see if you were employed, what your habit is and what your dose is....... that tells me you are not honest with yourself...... I am going to pray hard for you, try that yourself. God Bless sister and I know you can do it! Just remember that you will always have that little voice telling you it is okay. You need to shut that voice up and put yourself on restriction.

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