Diludid (Top voted first)


white with a M on one side and a 4 on the other

4 Replies

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average doses are 3mg. I take 6 mg but wonder when enough is enough. I am building up a resistance to the drug.

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It is normal to build up resistance and have to go to a higher dosage or switch drugs entirely.

If you are concerned that you are taking too much of this one, then you will need to discuss it with your doctor, together you can discuss options and decide what your best recourse is.

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orange or tan color pill 2 on one side pms on otherside

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I was injured on the job where I have had to have 26 different surgerys on my hand this happened almost 2 yrs. ago my pain management Dr. has had me on diludid 4mg for the entire time receiving 200 tabs a month I built up such a resistance to them I resorted to self injecting.What would be the best rehab.drug to use to get my life back I have heard good things and bad things about suboxone but it's time for my family to have there father back to the person he was before my injury any help would mean alot to me and my 5yr. who has been most affected by the change this injury has made on our life's THANK ALL READY FOR CHANGE !!!

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