Difference In Metformin 500mg Tab Zyd And Sandoz (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have taken metformin 500mg tabs Sandoz for years today when I picked up my medicine they gave me metformin 500 mg tab zyd. What is the difference in the two?
2-07-2014, I have been taking 500 mg of Metformin, Caraco 2 times a day for 3 years, and was able to keep my A1C at 6.0. My insurance changed 1-1-2014, and I picked up my RX from Walmart, and they gave me 500 mg of Metformin, Zyd. I am still taking the pills 2 times a day, but my blood glucose readings are all above 105, and as high as 165. Is there a difference in the two different Metformin pills? I also have diahrea most mornings after taking my pill.
I have had my Metformin 500mg changed to the Metformin 500mg ZYD. Well I have discovered I am allergic to this medicine. I have difficulty trying to get a full breathe of air, my arms, face and neck that I notice have red blotches. The size of the pill is different and it has a 70 on one side and a Z on the other. I have not had a chance to speak with my Doctor yet.
Hello, Deb! How are you?
Sandoz and Zydus are just the manufacturers, so that's the only difference based on what you've posted. Your pharmacy is just carrying one that's been manufactured by a different company.
Learn more Metformin details here.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
am having the same things, I believe the zyd is cheaper than Sandoz, ergo, we get to suffer
The ZYD i got from Wal-Mart has a NASTY salty coating to it. Makes me nauseous every time I take it and i take it twice a day. W-M pharmacist says its wll in my head. Its gonna be all in her behind if shes not careful.
Just the MFG is not the difference and you iknow it -- ZYD giaves you more problems to deal with thna the Sandoz does Fixing to take my bottle back to walmart and tell them to stuff it--you spend years keeping your weight down and this ZYD makes you gain weight -- this is not for m e
ZYD and SANDOZ to different companys that do not make the metformin tabliet the SAME - there are differenct med in the ZYD than in the SANDOZ
I was using metformin 850 mg bluefish with the combination of one tablet of cholesterol control. I was taking metformin three times a days. My diabetic level was going to normal and it was stable for three weeks around 5.6 to 5.8. I was happy, my medicine finished and I got another 100 tablets from medical store, it was metformin 850 mg Sandoz. It did not suit me really. I am feeling tired and weakness, heart impression goes down some thing like that. I will definitely contact with my doctor in a couple of days. I just need to know metformin 850 bluefish and metformin 850 Sandoz are two different tablets or these are the same?
I have always taken metformin 500mg hcl and now I am on metformin zyd, what is the difference? My blood sugar is not lowering with this med, also trouble breathing and going to the bathroom, never had these symptoms before on the hcl?
can you help?
Ruby, Kenny says don't take your love to town.
Quote: "What is the difference between Metformin hcl er and Metformin zyd? I have always taken the hcl er and when I picked up my Rx today it just had Metformin zyd ." End Quote
Meformin HCL ER is Extended Release and Metformin ZYD is Regular. I would check with the pharmacy to make sure the script is correct or and with your doctor.
i see a lot of questions but no answers..don't anybody got guts to answer..?
What is the difference between metformin 500MG tablet ZYD and metformin HCL ER Tabs 500 mg?
I saw the pill bottle and notice it was different one said TEVA and the other ZYD
Metformin ZYD made me feel poisoned, too. The constipation was unbearable and I stopped taking it since even on the lowest dose I felt just awful.
the zyd is so different cause it is made in india with cheap no good fillers. we in the us is now being treated like third world in spite of our high insurance premiums.
the zyd metformin is such a crap, no good it dosent work and has awfull side effects
i have been on metformin for years i thought they were all the same i am just finding out there is a differents why so many fillers and is one better than a other i would like the one with the least fillers and no digestive problems or smell
It does not help me with diarrhea. I take my pills after i eat i tried in the middle of eating and i still have problems
I was taking metformin 500mgzyd then I got a refill metformin hcl which does not work it like taking nothing my blood sugar is high in the morning it was never high on the zyd in the morning do not like metformin hcl help
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