Diet Pill Green And White (Page 33)
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small white at top of pill and green end of pill comes in tin foil with chinese or japenese writing on back of foil it was sold with a green diet tea

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Lisa- I'd love to purchase the good ones from you, the ones i bought on ebay arent very strong at all. Email me at my username at yahoo. Thanks Again!

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What time do you take them?Are you on any special diet as for what you do and dont eat?

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i love this pill 30lbs and going its grate i love life agen

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Lisa, where are you ordering these from? The local Asian market that I had been purchasing them from has sold out and is not sure when they will restock. Thanks.

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I have been on these pills for 3 months, i have been going to my dr every 30 days for weigh in, urine analysis and blood work. So far so good=) I have had no drugs show up in my blood or urine. My kidneys and liver are doing fine no changes. I weighed in at 170 and after 3 months I'm at 128. No exercise. I have been ordering large quantities of these and selling them, there are several variations of the boxes these come in, I have seen ones that say Reduce Weight, Reduce Weihgt and then reduce weight or weihgt, fruta planta. I noticed a difference in them, the ones with fruta planta did not work as strong. I would get more hungry and was not jittery. The ones that say just reduce weight I had trouble sleeping, dry mouth and I was NEVER hungry. Everyone I know that I have sold them to loves these pills.

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Three liters of water a day sounds a little excessive but if it works for you then great. My wife has lost 15 pounds in a little over 3 weeks and wants to lose another 5. I can really tell the difference in her appearance.

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Oh yeah and i plan on drinking 3 liters of water a day. I love water.

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I feel jittery...but for the sleeping i can fall asleep but wake up more than twice a night .they seem to be working.My goal is to lose 15lbs....My husband was taking phentermine his doctor gave him and i tried them for a day those really work !

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Emma, how do you feel ? A few of my wife's friends said that they had trouble sleeping the first day or so but that passed. The drinking of the water is apparently very important or so I'm told. Good luck and stick with it.

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Thanks, Mike
That is good to hear and makes me feel a little more motivated.I am on my second day!

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Emma., my wife has been on them for about a week and took last week off as she came to standstill in her weight loss. Her friend said that she also came to a standstill after about 3 weeks and started again and again started losing the weight. If you stay with it and pay attention you'll lose weight.

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You said ur wife started over a month ago .Right? How is her progress.Was she fully dedicated to them?

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Emma. You have to eat but these reduce your appetite significantly. At least that what I'm told but make sure that you drink a good deal of water during the day.

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Thanks, Mike.

Does anyone know if you eat will this cut down the effectiveness.

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Hey Erma..take them in the morning with WARM liquid.

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i just got some of these pills .How are you suppose to take them?

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buscalas en ebay con el nombre de fruta planta, eso es todo es una caja verde con letras chinas, chao y suerte

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you can buy these on eb2a2y, just put in the serch bar fruta planta, that it, enjoy it

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nesecito informacion de donde puedo comprar yctphehn anwhero beca vivo en miami florida 33172

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nesecito informacion de donde puedo comprar yctphehn anwhero beca vivo en aurora colorado

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