Diet Pill Green And White (Page 32)
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small white at top of pill and green end of pill comes in tin foil with chinese or japenese writing on back of foil it was sold with a green diet tea

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I took my first pill this morning. i got it from a local chinese market called fortune cookies. I was recomended by my hair stylist. I was expecting have dry mouth right way, but its been 2 hours since i took it and Im still not thirsty. Do u think I got the fake pill? Mine has fruta planta and reduce weight on the box and the instructions are in blue ink in a semi gloss paper. It has a pink label with a scratch part and a golden stamp on the front.

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Colombianmama, You don't HAVE to do anything except pay taxes and eventually die. If you feel like taking the pills with cold water then do it. They will work. However, I have been told that they should not be taken with coffee

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You are right about the thirst but I feel good...I was just wondering if you HAVE to drink a warm beverage in the morning?

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48 may feel a bit jittery tonight and thirsty. It will take you a few days to get used to it but don't give up. Make sure that you monitor your blood pressure. Good does work.

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Mike, I will be honest I just started today and I ate some eggs, with half a little cuban roll and a cup of orange juice. I am not a person that likes to drink hot or warm beverages so I don't know if that has like a bad effect or not. So far I feel ok, so I will keep you updated on how I feel.

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Columbianmama, My wife ( Cuban) takes it after she finishes her breakfast and about 20 or so minuets after her last cup of coffee. I have been told that you should NOT take this with coffee but take it with a warm beverage. So how are you doing with it so far ?

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Hello Mike, thanks for the suggestions...I am glad your wife is doing well with these pills. Does she take it in the morning with breakfast or does she drink after breakfast? Thank you.

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Hi Columbianmama. My wife has lost 20 lbs in about 2 months. Make sure that you drink water and give it a couple of days to get over the jittery feelings. You'll do fine.

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Hello everyone... I just purchased my pills Reduce Weight Fruta Planta, from a has been doing great, and well I can't wait to start...Anybody care to share some of their experience? Thank you!

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We do not sell any drugs on our site, we are simply an informational site. If you have any questions on drugs, side effects etc... I would be happy to help you.

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Be careful, common side effects include: dry mouth, dizzy spells, and constipation. Other more serious side effects are: tingly in the arms, stomach pains, and possible pulmonary hypertension.

Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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I heard about these fruta planta pills from someone at work. So a co-worker and I looked them up. She got a box for just over $12 after shipping on Amazon. I waited to see if they were doing any good for her before I ordered some for myself. They started working for her fast. I went home and ordered some for myself and a few other co-workers from Amazon. I paid just $42 for 5 boxes. Once I got mine and started taking them I had immediate results. I eat a lot less and it's really paying off. I've been taking these pills for 16 days and I've lost 12 pounds! I haven't even been exercising.
I drink a lot of water because of dry mouth, and I have to limit my coffee in the morning because it causes me to be a bit jittery. All in all, I'm glad that I took one more chance. I finally found something that works!!!!

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my husband has been taking the pills for 3 weeks already but he has found one serious side effect hes having problems with sex has anyone taking this pills have had the same problem will like to hear from u..

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i also paid $10.00 a box 400mg 30 capsules in florida reduce weight fruta planta

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taken for 1 week no wieght lost am eating and very dizzy and lightheaded also trouble in the bathroom

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what does the front of the box say on the pills you sell, I just ordered some from amazon and want to know if I should return. Please help!

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Hi everyone, i have some interesting news to share. I contacted the people from FPP, which is the manufacturer of this product to ask about the different boxes that lisa was talking about. Here is the reply...

"I'm very glad to help you even if you don't consume my product.

The only difference is the name of the box (Reduce Weight or Reduce Weight Fruta Planta), the capsules are going to be the same. Reduce Weight Fruta Planta is more for the spanish people but it also has the instruction in english. However, there are many people that are selling the fake product. It looks the same but it has some difference details, those details you can check it in Reduce Weight Web.

My product are 100% original and I provided in On this website you can see the distinct seals of authenticity and factory stickers to look for, to make sure you're getting the real thing."

Pretty Interesting, i thought i'd share

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Whipsales, I'm in 33032 zip. Where is 33033 ?

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Lisa, (or anyone that can help)

I recently purchased the pill with the box that says Reduce Weight only, no fruta planta, and no misspellings. I took the pills about two months ago and lost 12 pounds in two weeks, but I got the pills off a friend and she handed me the 3 foil packets- not the box. I've only been on these 3 days but would like to know if this is the most effective type box. I've heard the one that has the misspelling works better. Is this true? Or do I have the best one? Any info on the matter would be greatly appreciated!!!


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