Dicod301 (Top voted first)


what is dicod301 with hydrocodone 15mg? Is that a real hydrocodone.

10 Replies

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Dicod301 is 15mg dihydrocodeineone bitartrate, also known in the USA as hydrocodone bitartrate, with 30mg cyclizine - the same antihistamine used to stop nausea with much stronger opioids like morphine (Cyclimorph) and dipipanone (Diconal, Wellconal, 'Pinkies', or 'F3As').
There is a place called 'top10medsonline' or something VERY similar.
It's South African.
The only pure stuff I know of is DICODID 10mg by Knoll, Germany. It's an antitussive rather than an analgesic; it requires the addition of paracetamol, for some reason, to function as one of the milder opioid analgesics. 15mg is roughly equivalent to 75mg of dihydrocodeine, just under the strength of two DF118 Forte tablets.
In the USA it is one of the most overpriced analgesics for its strength. anything more than moderate pain needs a far stronger opioid like oxycodone or morphine.

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Hello I saw your post about the two south african pharmacy's I was hoping you give the adress. My girlfriends son has terrible anxiety he lost his health insurance and can't afford to see a doctor. He was on klonapin.

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Can anybody guide to an online pharmacy that sells Dicod301?

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As 'Catlover' (sorry, I'm allergic to kitty dander!) rightly says, it is indeed Dicodid with cyclizine added. And you can probably get it from most South African Online Pharmacies.
I checked the one he/she mentioned, and found a very reasonably priced site, which also carries my favourite sleeping pill - Pfizer/Upjohn HALCION (Upjohn 17s) 250mcg, and well-priced carisoprodol which I have been chasing down since it was withdrawn in the UK. Only drug that EVER helped my chronic lumbar muscular problem. Looks good, and they sell a sample pack of the Dicod, 10 caps for USD $25. The Patient Information Leaflet is also available online, so yes, it is what it purports to be. It will be more of an antitussive than analgesic as it has always been my understanding that it is the addition of paracetamol to Dicodid (hydrocodone) which makes it an effective mild opioid analgesic. Unlike OXYcodone, which is a good analgesic on its own. I do not understand the purpose of Percocet - paracetamol added to oxycodone is completely superfluous & adds nothing
whatsoever to its effect unless you want to bring down a fever, & I don't see many paying the ridiculous price of that combo gor that!

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Took plunge & bought sample pack of 10 caps. They are huge things.
My first impression was that it is definitely opioid because I had no oxycodone for nearly 36 hrs beforehand and my withdrawals abated. Thought #2 was, this does NOT feel like Dicodid. The cyclizine was as expected giving a sedative effect, but even through that, I could tell that I had NOT taken hydrocodone bitartrate 15mg, for sure. I have been prescribed opiate/oids for 20 years now and this felt to me like a large dose of codeine phosphate with the cyclizine effect. I was directed to a couple of sites, where I found that hydrocodone is used, but extremely rarely, in S African hospitals, you can not be prescribed by a doctor. And a drug testing site, ecstasydata, has tested this capsule from the same source and found it positive for CODEINE. Dihydrocodeine or -deineone would NOT produce a false positive for codeine so my suspicions appear to be correct. Stick to Dicodid. Avoid if combined with paracetamol, as in USA. And do not pay $2.50 for a cap of perhaps 100mg codeine with 25mg cyclizine! The site in question sells perfectly legitimate anxiolytics and hypnotics, very good meds by Aspen Pharmacare, Aldo & Pfizer/Upjohn so play safe with them, very reasonably priced, too.

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Germany is not the only country that issues pure hydrocodone !

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The question was "Can anybody guide to an online pharmacy that sells Dicod301?"

Why yes of course there are 2 very good African online Pharmacy's that carry this, and two in the same place that have a completely bogus imitation of this medication, 1st make sure this is what you need, talk to your trusted Doctor, and find out if you will benefit. the two good place are ( Admin has hidden the link do to legal regulations, Admin warning these are strong drugs that can create a "euphoric high" not recommended.) MGMT

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hydrocodone bitartrate 15 mg, cyclizine hydrochloride 25 mg, bisacodyl 2mg, benzoate0,01%

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Please send me this info. {edited for privacy}. I would really appreciate because I have found one and I believe it is the bogus ones. Could you give a lady some advice?

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I meant FOR that!
Anyway, if you want 15mg hydrocodone bitartrate capsules, these are indeed the real thing.
Pure hydrocodone is only available in Germany, branded DICODID, a 10mg very effective antitussive for dry painful chronic coughs. It ain't cheap unless you have an EHIC. Then you pay only 10-15% of pharmacy price.
I may try these South African capsules myself, they're cheaper than in Europe & I like the idea of an antiemetic with an opioid, albeit a very mild one like hydrocodone.

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