Diatomaceous Earth With Warfarin
Updatedmy husband takes warfarin daily, we are wondering if taking diatomaceous earth to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure with his warfarin would effect anything?
8 Replies
Unfortunately, this is just a supplement product, so it has not actually been checked for interactions with prescription drugs.
Thus, the best advice I can give would be that he check with his doctor or pharmacist, before taking it.
Learn more Warfarin details here.
When taking Warfarin, one's INR can be very touchy, so it's always best to be cautious.
Are there any other questions or comments?
Verwon supplements are so popular today they should know if DE would interact with warfarin um I mean RAT poison.......... And, why is it that almost all crucial supplements like Vitamin K2 have a negative effect on warfarin very very very suspicious and disturbing....... Warfarin will thin your blood but at the same time without vitamin K2, Enzymes and other supplements warfarin will take the calcium and vitamin D out of your bones and send them to your arteries where they will eventually cause plaque build up and a stroke or heart failure and at the same time because the calcium vitamin D and no vitamin K in your bones you will develop osteoporosis as well as heart disease..... So Warfarin is not a solution just another problem....... INR is not touchy what a creepy way to describe it perverse actually.....
Hi. I have a mechanical valve and am on warfarin and would like to to is deitamtious earth would cause damage to my knee valve?
Wow so many opinions on something you clearly don't understand. Unfortunately I have had to take Warfarin for over 10 years now (I'm 30) because if a life-threatening blood clotting condition. Makes me so angry when people get up on their high horse, I would LOVE not to take it but there's a high chance I could DIE. Get over yourself, sometimes people need to take such meds as a matter of life or death. Time to get educated!
Re: Elsie (# 3)
I to have a mechanical Mitral value (St Jude) am considering taking diatomaceous earth but plan on checking with the cardiologist first.
Re: Frank T (# 5)
My husband has the same valve. Have you talked to the cardio? Any success?
Re: Zara (# 4)
I also have a blood clotting disease and have to take warfarin or I will die. I have had 6 blood clots in the past and I’ve been on warfarin for 18 years. Since I was 19. It stinks, but it has allowed me to stay alive. I would like to know if I can take this diatomaceous earth with it so I’m just going to ask my doctor. He is al for me trying natural stuff.
Re: honeymooners (# 2)
Warfarin only effects the platelets while Eliquis or Pradaxa inhibit the actual coagulation system in your liver
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