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My boyfriend takes this stuff and has been prescribed 10mg and to take twice a day. He tends to take it three times a day, even though he is only suppose to take it twice. I noticed that when he is on it he is very quite and sort of like a zombie, emotional-less . Also it causes him to have ticks such as obsessively cracking his wrist and his mouth twitches. He also has problems sleeping and tosses and turns a lot and then when he is off of it for the first couple of days he crash sleeps for over 12 hours. When he is off of it he is like a whole other person, energetic and fun to be around. Another issue from this medication is that he recently had a panic attack and freaked out. The doctor also gave him anxiety meds for the the side effects and depression medication. I don't think he is depressed at all, and doesn't have any of the symptoms of depression.
I'm afraid he is addicted to this stuff and will depend on it his whole life. I wish doctors would push for other solutions such a behavioral therapy instead of giving people amphetamines.
I think parents should be careful giving their kids this stuff since there isn't much research on the long term effects of using amphetamines, plus its highly addictive.

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Good for you for staying vigilant. It is very important to be aware of any changes in behavior when taking medication. I take Dextroamphet for ADD. I started taking it at 10, stopped after college and then started taking it again because I am in grad school. It is different for everyone, but I find that it makes me more focused and irritable. I'm not sure if it makes me depressed. I have dual depression on and off of dextroamphet and I am medicated for that.
You should be aware that children and adults with AD(H)D are at more risk for anxiety and depression so keep an eye on your daughter, let her know she is at risk so she can be self-aware, and ask her how she feels.
I am female and ADD tends to manifest differently in us than it does for males. Girls already have a hard time feeling smart and having a diagnosis can be a double-edged sword. I was glad to know that there was a reason I had trouble in school, and that I could work with it, but I felt worried about people finding out and thinking I was stupid. I also felt constantly disappointed in myself because I wanted to succeed, but kept getting discouraged by small failures. Combined that with normal teenage feelings and it could make anyone depressed! I would keep an eye on how she is feeling. Find a weekend that your daughter is free and take her off her medication for that weekend. See if that makes a difference.
It would be beneficial to make a plan for if your daughter ever does feel depressed, even if she doesn't now. I have worked with teens for many years and they just don't like to talk to their parents about everything, no matter how supportive, understanding and cool their parents might be. Teens are learning to act like adults and part of that is pushing parents away a little and figuring it out on their own. Ask a pastor, teacher, aunt or adult cousin if they are willing to be a non-parent contact for your daughter if she ever feels bad or sad. Many cities have phone numbers for teens to call with questions, concerns or problems. Find out if your community has that. When someone feels depressed, it is often overwhelming to reach out so having a plan will take a lot of the guess work out of it.
You are right to question this medication. I have many conflicted feelings about it even though it helps me a lot. I would suggest looking into EEG biofeedback, acupuncture and other alternative treatments if the medication is not working out for your daughter. I have experimented with different diets and find that long-chain omega 3 fatty acids, protein first thing in the morning, and limiting sugar, caffeine and gluten help my over all sense of well being, which helps free me up to focus better. I just started seeing a disability specialist at my university. Once a week I meet with her and we discuss school and other social issues associated with ADD. She gives me tons of resources. See if there is a specialist at her school or a therapist in the area who specializes in ADD.
Good luck!

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I would like to now of risks, side effects and any information on experiences with Dextroamphet. My daughter is 15, she was just recently diaganosed with ADD, she has been taking the medication for 3 days so far and I see her a little bit absent, kind of depressed. Maybe I am just imagining this, because to be honest, I am so scared about her taking this medicine, with all the side effects I read on the medicine pamphlet. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

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necesito saber para que es este medicamento ya que se lo dieron a mi hijo y necestio saber sobre que efectos puede terner

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