Desperate And Scared (Top voted first)


I was diagnosed with anxiety in 2007. I have been taking zanax and klonipin since then.. My doctor recently passed away and i dont know who to go to. Does anyone know of a doctor in the Dallas area that can help me? I

2 Replies

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Hello, Star41! How are you doing? I'm sorry that you've been left in such a predicament.

If you require such medications on a long-term ongoing basis, you'll need to see a specialist, due to the new regulations that were put into effect this year.

However, when contacting a doctor to set up an intake appointment, you shouldn't ask them about prescribing anything, because doctors will view that as being drug seeking behavior and usually won't even let you get in the door. You just need to make sure they receive a full copy of your most recent medical records, then discuss your treatment options at the actual appointment.

You should be made aware, though, that most are not going to be willing to prescribe both Xanax and Klonopin, both are benzodiazepines, so in essence it's just doubling up on the same medication, plus they are both controlled substances that have the potential to be habit forming.

Learn more Xanax details here.

Learn more Klonopin details here.

Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area?

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When you tell people what they NEED to do, it might not be prudent advice. What some people will do is get tired of Drug seeking and stop. Some will die, some will make it to a Hospital or treatment center. Is Texas a tough State to obtain medicine? The closest California Psychiatrist to me is 200 miles away. Who is going to drive 400 miles to a specialist to obtain alprazolam. Just the cost alone as many Psychiatrists don't accept insurance. Instead of a $30 copay they want $500 or more?

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