Dava Brand Xanax (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've been taking dava brand xanax for a year, the 0.5 mg. This batch I got recently has a strong chemical taste and odor to them and taste horrible than the usual I would get. Did anybody else run into this problem with dava brand?
18 Replies
Perhaps they are very fresh right from an unopened container giving them that smell. What are the #'s stamped on the pill and what pharmacy did you use? Dava seems to make fine medicine although all manufactures will have a problem every now and then. Do they seem to work for you?
Re: Aguywhocaresaboutothers38 (# 11)
Aurobindo makes the worst medicine, I even brought that up with my Doctor for what its worth. Stomach medicine that hurts your Stomach? As you did point out there is virtually no recourse when it comes to Generic Pill makers
Yes they work but taste and smell very chemicaly a strange taste but they work I got them at Walgreens
The number on the meds was S 109 yellow oval tablet.
Been taking Alprazolam for 3 years. Just got a batch with bad chemical smell and nasty taste S901. Noticed it as soon as I opened the prescription bottle.CVS said they are from Dava. Cant take them. Shouldn't they replace them?
Well no they shouldn't replace them although you can try to get a different brand for the next fill? Xanax has about the worst taste of any medication known to man. I keep an supply of emergency medicine in my car, and after a summer if 110 degree + heat my Ranitidine (Zantac) went rancid. Noticed that while on vacation a couple weeks back
Same here did you find out if this was safe and normal for the meds to come like that?
Same here I was switch to the other it had a bad smell to it. I was so use to be taking score peach side 029. It was much better less oderness I got it from Walgreen. What should I do .I don't like how I feel on it.should I switch it I was taking go it on good Friday
I got bloodwork and tested for nitrates and I don’t even eat processed meats and the only drug I was taking was this dava Xanax. I’m f***ing livid. I’ve had 4-5 major medications wreck me and my dr not hear me out till now. He neglected me and I’m not even holding it against him. I just want him to see me out to get back to where I was! I have a form of ALS! How many eff’d up medical
cycles do I need to go through?
Re: Aguywhocaresaboutothers38 (# 8)
Pretty sure Xanax is not a medicine with Nitrates in them. Have you received any vaccinations recently?
Re: EDDY (# 9)
No vaccines at all.
Here comes the benzodiazepines crisis next... brace yourself... you will develop tremors from these meds and you won’t think it’s the pill cause when you take another it goes away! This is bull***. This is the second drug I’ve had do this to me. First the Purdue Percocet opiate crisis, then I get off that and boom this one kicks in. Get ready next is gonna be benzodiazepine crisis! Unreal. I have got some real crap luck!
The chemicals or binders build up in you over time from these bad generics in a short time then boom.
This was the only pill left to get off of ! And I’ve been on Xanax over 20+ years no issues and now you’re gonna tell me I have issues!
F*** Aetna and managed medicaid and CVS too. But martins pharmacy did this but they have no control over what generics they get ! The insurance companies decide what generics we get!
Don’t take them I beg you don’t take them and Aurobindo the benzodiazepines crisis has hit you tell your dr the inactive ingredients build up and cause crazy sciatic nerve pain Or tremors till you take another one making it so you think it’s not the pill cause it goes away after you take another but you will eventually start waking up with tremors . This is so out of hand I’ve taken these medications since 2003! I’m sure the dea is telling drs now no benzos too .. Perdue now called Rhodes caused this and now it’s benzos and guess what Adderall is messed up too . But guess what congress passed a law in 2014 that we can’t sue generic companies . Same time as Obamacare welcome to America lol MAgA my assss the political system is rigged but I really like tulsi gabbard who will not get enough attention but she’s from Hawaii and is exactly what this country needs
EDDY (# 12) --
Yeah they are making meds that do the opposite of what their prescribed for . So when you complain your dr simply thinks it’s a med that simply doesn’t or isn’t work for you.
Pain meds causing more pain ... add meds causing fatigue and less focus , benzos causing tremors ! And the list goes on and on I’m
Pissed I’ve weanrd and come off so much stuff and one medication left and boom now this unreal
They want us dead
It’s as simple as that
Re: kingoflouisiana (# 6)
Nope, had pills tested they are putting compounds in pills now that have secret patents to even know what the f*** all ingredients are!!! Damn, we are so screwed, they are making all medicines do the opposite of what they are prescribed for! And we are making them rich for making us sick! And we can’t hold generic manufactures responsible for Jack S***
Re: EDDY (# 1)
Nope here we go again dava is doing to me what the heck Perdue Pharma now called Rhodes Pharma .. creating tremors after you’ve taken it so long .. and then it fades away when you take another pill .. but it’s 100% the pill .. not my condition .. this is getting so effin out of hand ..
So glad I know it’s the meds because we all know the next step would be add a pill to the list for tremors ! And so on and so on ..
If we can’t always demand name brand why can’t we at least be able to request generic manufactures.
Let me ask so many of you this?? Are your drs calling in controlled written copy only scripts like pain meds and Adderall and Xanax .. all though Xanax can be called in you normally start out with a paper script .. now my dr never gives me a paper script ever he just goes oh I’ll call it in when it’s due. Now he’s retiring cause he knows damn well all these adverse side affects are going down and who wants to be sued when your already retirement age .
I’m so over alll of this
Plus now we’ve learned that mobile technology and LEd lights as well as crazy ass Cia mind control type weapons work better with meds and metals in us. They work like an antenna to this technology. I have found kratom to replace pain meds and other antiflammatories but the one thing that’s gonna he hard to replace is having a solid good working stimulant.
Never in my life have I had so many darn issues with generics and for those of you
Who say your fine taking it your full of it. Maybe taking 2-5 pills total and never again but the toxic inactive ingredients build up in your system in a very short amount of time and then cause adverse side affects
And you know if you go into the ER with tremors or feeling like crap for Xanax and they are gonna treat you like crap and report it to your dr and write it off as a physch episode or anxiety. When I take Xanax for my nerves !
Btw you also can’t sue the company either for the bad generic
Re: Aguywhocares38 (# 16)
You couldn't sue your Doctor either over the tremors you are attributing to Xanax but heck I'd like to know more about this scientific medical study you conducted and what that has to do with Dava & Auribundo? Our experiences have been somewhat different, no filler problems yet it seems, and my State laws are different too as the Doctor had to give me a paper Copy of the C4's because he is located in another State
Good luck with the fillers & binders & colors, all probably from China
Re: EDDY (# 17)
It takes time to build up in your system to cause the adverse side affects and then goes away ..
Just like Perdue Pharma’s Percocet which is now called Rhodes pharma who is also invested in suboxone! You put two and two together
Dava is created similar to the Perdue/Rhodes Pharma Percocet and there are many other opiates starting to be designed similar but not as intense as Rhodes Pharma and Aurobindo just isn’t that effective and also can make you feel sick . But I also have noticed it depends on the batch and what coverage you have for each generic medication . They truly got this really rigged . Aurobindo is total crap for any medication. I have gotten from them.
And anything in the mental health or pain meds category wether controlled or not controlled is targeted . Cause if anyone complains they are already considered sick or mental or an addict .
Or that it’s simply that their condition has progressed more
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