Cymbalta V. Duloxotine
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Has anyone noticed a difference between generic duloxotine and Cymbalta? I changed in Dec '13 and have had heavier side effects if I miss one dose, esp. diarrhea,constipation and ears ringing. (I take 60 mg with 100mg lamictal.).

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It took me years to find the right med for my depression/anxiety - Cymbalta. I've been on 60mg daily since it came out. Now the insurance company forced the generic duloxetine on me and I have flu-like symptoms within 2 weeks of the change. Just don't feel right - achy, stomach issues, etc. Same symptoms I experienced if I forgot to take Cymbalta for a day or two.

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I always trusted generics too. I never had any problems with them until I tried a few different generic Cymbalta brands. I read the problem with generics is they can reverse engineer a drug to find out the ingredients but they can't get the exact fingerprint on how the the drug was made. So my guess is Cymbalta might be to complicated for the generic companies to duplicate.

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Generics like duloxetine can often be a hit or miss. In many cases it's because they either contain varying amounts of the active ingredient or have cheaper binders/fillers that don't fully metabolize with the rest of the medication. This could potentially cause symptoms like GI discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, and who know's what else.

Once you find something that works, it really seems like you have to stick with it or the slightest deviations from the original formula can sometimes make it feel like you're actually changing medications.

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I was on generic Cymbalta for about 4 months and experienced severe headaches, a racing heart, nausea, and tons of sweating. My doctor put me back on the Lilly brand and all the side effects disappeared. I feel like my normal self again.

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Yes! My drug co. switched me to generic Cymbalta about 8 weeks ago and my anxiety is back with a vengeance. I thought I was going to have a full blown panic attack last night. Will call my dr. today to talk about it. I generally trust generics, but maybe not with a med like Cymbalta. Too essential for me.

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