Cymbalta Equal To Effexor Xr? (Top voted first)


I have been taking Effexor XR, 150 Mg.for about 7 years.My pain management doctor suggested that I switch to Cymbalta, 30 Mg.for a week and then 60 Mg.We felt that Cymbalta would be a better choice with Tramadol 150 Mg.that I currently take.Does anyone have experience with Cymbalta helping major depression /anxiety as well as pain relieved?Will 60 Mg.of Cymbalta be comparable to 150 Mg.of Effexor XR?

2 Replies

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Hello, Shar! How are you?

I'm curious as to why it was felt that the Cymbalta would be a better choice with the Tramadol?

Both Cymbalta and Effexor are in the exact same drug class, they are both SNRI antidepressants, so the same risks and possible interactions are there with both of them and the Tramadol, nothing is lessened by switching from one to the other.

I'm sorry, if I'm confused, so please feel free to clarify is there is some other reason for this that I am not aware of… but going by the currently available classification and interaction information, it makes no sense to have to switch off of the one that has been working so well for you.

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Thanks for getting back to me.I go to an Army clinic,my PC is not a Dr. but a PA;i also met with the head of the pharmacy who suggested that with the other meds that i take for several issues that i should consider Cymbalta instead of Effexor XR.At that time i was only taking 4 Aleve a day,no other pain meds.My pain management Dr.started me on muscle relaxers for lower back,hips but it was not relieving any pain.He had done a rhisotomy on nerves in my back,but it only helped for about 3 months.After muscle relaxers,we tried Tramadol 50 mgs.3 times a day;didn't help much.I told him that Cymbalta had been suggested,but i had no one that could write a scrip at the clinic.He gave me samples of Cymbalta to try for 3 weeks,then follow up visit.It has been very cold this winter in Pa.;i have Raynaud's that is a big issue for me in the winter.I am doing ok with Cymbalta,no issues switching off Effexor XR;all of my healthcare providers told me that it would be a better choice because it helps pain as well as depression and Effexor XR did nothing for pain.I have a 6 month follow up with my Rheumotologist on i will get his opinion then.Last year at this time i was taking Tramadol 100 mgs.daily,Savella twice daily and Amrix twice daily.My private practice Dr.took me off of all of those meds and said even with all of the arthritis(osteo)i only needed Aleve.Because healthcare is free at the clinic,my husband made the change from our for now i'm doing ok;doing lots of yoga and treadmill.

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