Cymb. Withdrawal
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I was only on it 9 days I was taken off made me worse. Anyway. I got back pain very dry mouth and other is this normal withdrawal. How long will last.

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Hi Brenda,

To help combat the dry mouth, I would recommend drinking aloe or coconut water regularly. This will naturally hydrate your whole body and in turn should make the environment in your mouth much moister throughout the day. I'm not totally familiar with cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and what they might entail, but I do know that each individual can have a different experience / set of symptoms that come and go as your body reverts back to its unique sense of homeostasis. A time frame on when they subside therefore cannot be accurately determined; only estimated based on others feedback.

I hope things are progressively getting better for you as well as rachey (post #1) during this phase of detox. Just remember that all phases eventually have to come to an end and it's how we handle the journey through it that matters.

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I'm on week 4 duluxotene / cymbalta withdrawl dizzyness gone sickness gone body shocks only got a few was doing great but then major insomnia kicked in had it all along but week for its worse hense anxiety not great at all wanted to die cos its horrid any way I cant eat to scared to sleep or carnt but I'm starting to come out in spots smell more have fluey symptoms again and I've got chronic nerve pain in shoulders and back and neck all of a sudden I thought this was coming to and end some normal sleep pattern has come bk over last two days have drifted off for an hour but it felt so relaxing if only for an hour or so and I drempt too for a couple of hours haven't had that so I suppose its a good sign my body fighting bk that was a total of three hours sleep on the third night of no sleep what so Eva non tonight so far and its 12 am cant take sleepers induce severe panick attacks and get sleep paralysis too never felt this ill when I got depressed and I've had a lot of that over years not been depressed at all through out of this just sick and tired of it now just to feel human again must admit with smelling more it means more is coming out and yes I do shower I just cant seem to get rid of smell hope it ends soon x

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