Cut Isosorbide Mononitrate Into 1/4 Tab
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Can I cut isosorbide mononitrate 30mg tabs, made by Torrent, in 1/4's? 1/2 tab dropped my blood pressure to 105/54 which I didn't like.

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Re: Tony (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, how are you now? Did you experience any side effects after discontinuing this med? Thanks for any feedback.

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I have been taking Isosorbide Mononitrate ER 30 mg for many years. Have too many negative effects and need to stop completely this medication. There is not so called Protocol how to do that. Tried to taper it off and almost got a heart attack. Is the dose reduction the solution? I would really appreciate different opinions especially if someone has gone through this already. The cardiologist doesn't know either- want to "substitute" it with Amlodipine which I could not tolerate at all. Would like to stop it without any substitution. Thank you

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I forgot to mention i also take 1.25 of BISIPROLOL once daily at supper time & Duride at 8 am. Bisoprolol is for heart rate but it also lowers blood pressure. Taking the 2 drugs together on the same day lowers my BP BELOW 100 and I just dont know what to do from here?

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Doctors put me on one 60 mg tablet a day. once it became active it dropped my BP to 95 and caused me to have a slightly cold face. I went back to the docs who then put me on half a tablet (30 mg), but my blood pressure still dropped to 105 & stayed there for about 4 hours. Makes me feel very weak. I tried taking the tablet when my BP was at 155 and still my BP dropped to 105. Does any one have any solutions to keep my BP between 110 & 130? I'm on GEN Rx 60 mg cut in half with modified release.

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I researched the same question, because the dosage I was taking , though effective, was too intense and left me with a headache. The isosorbide mononitrate 30mg ER pill manufacturer by Torrent has a line across the middle, at which the pill may be split in two. I take 1/2 pill at bedtime with great results and benefits that last through to the next day. You can also split the non-ER version an any manner you wish without altering the effect of the drug. But the ER version can only be split along the designated line or its intended staggered effect will be altered. I consider this to be a modern miracle wonder drug.

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can somebody please tell me if certain vegitables aggrivate DURIDE after popping tablet any spicy foods or vegitables like capsicums chili etc

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It would be best to speak to your doctor, before lowering your dosage further. Are you on any other medications? What condition is being treated?

The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, and headache.

Did you experience any symptoms when it was that low?

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