Clonipin For Anxiety (Top voted first)


If i were to take Clonipin after detoxing from Dilaudin 4mg x 4 hours, Yet I am back to Norco and Fenenyl patch, would Clonipin help me avoid the horrible anxiety and all that goes along with withdrawal? Also if I took it for a short term, would I then have to detox from Cloipin?

2 Replies

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Hi Irishlass,

Due to the fact that Klonopin (Clonazepam) can cause very serious withdrawal symptoms on its own, I wouldn't advise you to use it while you're withdrawing from the other medication. The only way I would recommend this would be if you are under the care of a licensed psychiatrist who can provide you with a tapering schedule and other necessary safety information.

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Klonopin Details

Have you considered using any supplements to avoid anxiety? I really recommend holy basil. I use it when I get "anxiety attacks" and it helps tremendously! I also recommend deep breathing exercises (holotropic or diaphragmatic) along with grade A essential oils. Deep breathing can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) which is supposed to help relieve stress, I can tell that it does! The essential oils lavender, geranium, and marjoram are also great for calming the nerves. If you are interested in trying essential oils but don't have a diffuser, you can boil some water and add a couple drops of each oil then inhale the steam. When I do this, I cover my head and the pot with a towel so that the steam doesn't escape!

I hope this helps, if you have any more questions please post back!

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thanks for the ideas and help. I actually took the clonipin to help me withdraw from the Dilaudin, as I was really going thru the restless leg; high anxiety, shakes, i did go to emergency and they gave me 14 clonipin. I don't suffer constantly from anxiety, but I also have not taken huge amounts of narcotics and then eased myself off. I will definitely try your oils suggestion, lavender sounds great!
Thanks again

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