Clonidine Use In Oxycotin Detox
UpdatedRecovery period after this rapid detox.
16 Replies
it is a drug for high blood presure. they give to you because withdraw from any opiate raises your blood presure and it will calm you down some some doctors give it to kid's at a low dose for ADD or ADHD.
I my self have been through opaiad detox you must be strong willed it will not be easy but you can do it and you will be happy you did.
Right-on Bro
What was your recovery time
After reading around online I found a rapid detox program called The Waismann Method. Apparently it states that it allows most patients to return to a productive life in a matter of days and eliminates the need to spend months in hospitals or rehab programs.
Of course one must be strong willed enough, but it can be done.
This is the site I found the above information...
David..I hope you aren't believing that BS..People don't walk out of rapid detox looking good. They sh!t on themselves, they have seizers, some have died,,B4 you consider this horrible procedure, do a lot of research on it..Read about the lawsuits, go to
You can read stories from the people who went through it, and it is HELL....People have died, just do a few google serches, PLEASE..There are a few ways to get sober but this isn't one of them..Suboxone is pretty new, I tried it, but it made me very sick, I did detoxes, 12 step programs, and finally after 25 years of hell I went on methadone maintenance..I am not suggesting you go that way, if you really want to get clean, I would talk with your doctor and get the best game plan..Unless you are young and in good health, don't cold turkey..I did it once in my early 20's and it was horrible but I survived, I am close to 55 years old and I would probably die because of my other health problems, which BTW have nothing to do with my addiction..Clonodine is supposed to really help with the Restless legs and sleep, some people use benzos with their doctors ok..There really is no wrong or right way, it is what will work for you. If you are into 12 steps, is a place..There is also Smart recovery, and hundreds of others..Whatever you do,. talk to your doctor first....Good luck in whatever you choose..
Pat, I sincerely apologize as I personally have not been through a detox program and did not foresee the seriousness of it. I was simply trying to help by searching for an answer that I truly was not intending for anyone to take wrongly. I blame myself for lack of in-depth research on this matter. I suppose research can only go so far as compared to personal experiences.
As you said there really is no wrong or right way, it is what will work for you. Thank you for clearing everything up.
David, you misunderstood me..I was thinking you were talked into doing it and I was trying to help..I am the one who should apologise..You did nothing wrong..For your own piece of mind, look up UROD deaths and Dr Googerman on the google websearch...UROD means ultra rapid opiate detox..Please let us know how you are doing...
I did myy research on Rapid Detox and experienced it. Dr. Gooberman was doing anesthesia in an office and lost his license. The Waismann Method id done in a hospital with board certified anesthesiologist. They are simply great, the procedure was safe and it WORKS. How many people die on overdoses a year? How many people die by simply irresponsible doctors or mistakes?
You should not discard a procedure that uses all safety precaution and helps the patient get over their addiction with all the respect and safety. Things can happen anywhere. But our choices for withdrawing are rehabs ( with very little medical supervision) or the Waismann in a hospital with all medical care possible. Guess whats better. Just use your common sense. IT WORKS AND THEY ARE GREAT.
I've been an opioid user for the better part of 4-5 years, and a full blown addict for 3 using Roxycodone 30mil's on a daily basis, along with dabbling in methadone, morphine 15's, Vicodin, Dilaudid, and Xanax. Never IV, but swallowed, time release-stripped, or snorted.
Suboxone works great if you keep in mind a few VITAL caveats. Replacement therapy is NOT for everyone, it IS a crutch. Find a competent doctor who will only fill your prescription in low quantities, say 1-2 week's supply at most and will not refill early. Make sure you have accountability. Make sure you taper your dosage and be honest, and don't use it as a long term solution because buprenorphine is addicting. Methadone is much more so; I wouldn't advocate methadone unless you have a serious habit because methadone withdraws are unholy bad and can last for a very long time.
I tried Suboxone therapy and fell off of the wagon and relapsed HARD as soon as my doctor cut me off, because the body high was a crutch for me. When that was taken away, I fell flat on my face.
I recently detoxed with Clonidine (2x daily) and Librium 25mg (4x daily) for 3 days followed by a 1-day taper period, and I feel fantastic. I have some increased pain which will diminish, and some neuropathy is still present (that's the tingling in your extremities), but those things will fade with time. I'm much better off. My blood pressure started to stabilize by the second day and by the third, it was so stable that it was fluctuating within a 6-8 pt systolic range throughout the day (~116).
Only you can know what is best for you, but in my experience, being completely clean is working MUCH better because my thinking is beginning to clear up in a way that it hasn't in 5 years....I'm not in that mild bupreno-fog that I had from the Suboxone.
But checking myself into a medical detox is the best thing I could have done. Outpatient did NOT work for this addict. Get a support system and change everything in your life. Make your room as clean as your body is. Hang with the right croud. Go to N.A. if you can, even if you're an atheist/agnostic as I am; there's a lot of information in there that will change your frame of mind.
Good luck to anyone getting off of this horrible stuff. I wouldn't wish opioid withdraws on my worst enemy.
If you have neuropathy, which is the tingling in your extremities, the time for that to disappear varies depending on the amount of nerve's related to quantity and how long you've used. It can be permanent, but not usually.
Blood pressure starts to stabilize pretty fast.
Your pain level, if you have chronic pain like me, will be higher than your norm after you detox but your body will adjust. I'm told it takes around a month to get back to baseline there.
i personally did the Waismann Methods detox 4 years ago and have been clean since. They treated me like a human being and although i did feel a little discomfort for a day or so afterwards, it was nothing like what some people have described on this thread. I had been going through wds monthly for 7 years as i had built up such a tolerance i would use a months worth in two weeks,,I tried suboxone, tapering and cold turkey but the only thing that worked for me was waismann..Anyway definately do the research and make an informed choice, but be aware there are a lot of uneducated opinions out there..My experience was great and im sure im not the only one ..Good luck!
Brooke how did you get your prescription for clonidine and librium? I am currently at 20 milligrams at a methadone clinic.My boyfriend was arrested and they gave him clonidine and cough syrup to detox. He was in for about 7 days he's out now and feels. okay. I want to try it instead of having to pay this doctor 500 dollars for suboxin.
Check this out suboxone is wonderful but don't keep taking it I detoxed and many other friends off of herion.
You just need about 5 strips or pills. Take two the first day one the next followed by halfs try it it works after that its mostly mental yes you will not have full energy or feel yourself but your not trading addictions if u keep taking the meds like they say to you will become dependent so do yourself a favor and do it this way if your not strong minded I suggest you find a rehab that focuses on the root of your addiction and why u get high or maybe a 12 step program but bottom line until u had enough of overdosing jail spending all ur money losing friends and loved ones and destroying ur health if ur lucky to make it that far this detox will work that's the easy part the hard part is saying no good luck. I'm clean today but hey like I was alway told for years until I finally got it just for today I don't have to use. Make it simple one day at a time I hope the best for everyone this is a terrible disease which always ends the same jails death and institutions
I have a tear in my left hip and the pain is horrible at times. I am in the process of becoming a candidate for surgery. I have been taking Hydrocodone 10mg four times a day and Oxycodone 5 mg every four hours for the last 3 months. Despite the pain I chose to be sober and get off the opiates. My gp doctor gave me Clonidine to help with withdraws and high blood pressure. This is my 4th day off pain meds and 1st day on Clonidine; how long before the Clonidine begins to work. I am also taking Tramadol 50 mg for pain which is not working yet.
I have been on oxy 10mg 3x day for 4 months for neck and back problems. I am 60 and a recovering alcoholic for 24 years. Getting off oxy was 10 times harder the stopping drinking. I really did no relize this wa so addictive. Just stay off it completely if possible. The Ed is horrible
I did the Waisman Method, I was a patient there. It saved my life and I couldnt be happier. In my opinion, getting people hooked on Subs or Methadone is criminal and replaceing one additction for another is terrible, and getting off Subs and Methadone is way way way difficult. Think of all the money they will make and some people stay on these drugs FOR LIFE. With all the terrible side effects. The Waisman Method isnt easy, but for the time you are there you are taken care of and it is as luxurious afterwards (even though you feel kinda like a bus hit you for a couple days, you arent withdrawing and you arent sick.) Lets face it, there's no easy answer to the Opioid addiction, but Waisman is absolutely awesome and I was in and out in one week, home, clean, not sick, and it was great and it saved my life thats all I can say....
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