Citalopram Hbr Tabs 20mg (Page 3)
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they are replacing my lexapro 10mg for this

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I was put on the generic form of Celexa for anxiety 20 mg. At first I felt very tired, achy, and had headaches.
Then a friend sugguested I cut the pill in half and slowly increase to the full amount.
That made all the difference in the world. It took me 6-8 weeks to get to the full dose, but the med has cut my anxiety tremendously.

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In responce to people wondering why the goverment changes are meds- number1-We are there genie pigs
Number two-the other drug cost the goverment less money to lower health care.
Number Three they dont care about your health, your not thier loved one, this is sad but true be your own doctor look meds up refuse meds that your doctor try's to give you-they get a kick back for every prescption they write, there for they are endorcing a medacation they know little about.Find a primary care doctor that care's bottom line-this is hard to do .Most specallist in any feild cares alot more about your health then a plain doctor with minamin licence skills.

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i have read some of these stories. mine is,im being wiened off meds that i've been on 4 six yrs, my dr put me on citalopram hbr 20 mgs, ive been takeing it for 21 days now,along with a half mg 2 times a day of clonazepam,and 75 mgs of bupropion. them are the 2 im being wiened down then off// i feel really wierd at times starting to get headaches.palpitations.sweating terrible, loss of appatite. i go back to the drs in 7 days n i can't wait.i wantoff the citropram20 mgs ,i sleep to much. no energy just feel like crap all the time. i dont no what goes on in these dr's head perscribeing so many different things at once, the worse thing is im not depressed,i just have anxiety n panic attacks from being an alcoholic 4 so many years.may 12th been sober 6 years. to bad i don't feel that way. feel drunk most of the time/////

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When I was switched from Lexapro to Citalopram because my 'co pay' was $90 the Rx told me not to take these meds together!

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I too have been prescribed this Citalopram. Today is my 1st day. I told the dr. I'm depressed and loosing my temper lately due to my job hours cut and bills accumilating. I don't sleep more than an hour or so at a time and my best sleep is about 2 hours before I have to go to work.. Reading these posts makes me weary. But I will give it a try and post later....Welll that is unless I drive my forklift off the dock due to the side affects I've read here.

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i just want to say thank-you to you all for letting me know what to expect with this Citalopram . Today is the first time i have ever taken any depression meds and i feel awful. So slugish i cant get motivated and just want to sleep and the dry mouth is awful, think i will call the dr and get something else. Thanks again jody

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My Dr. just replaced my Lexapro with Citalopram HBR and I got to tell you, It worked wonders for me. I ran out of lexapro for about 3 weeks and let me tell you I felt awful to the point that I tried suicide. Dr. started me on Citalopram and I felt better right away. I don't know if it's psychological or not but for me it works great.

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I was on citalopram 20MG and it work.but my doctor wunted me take lexapro10MG but i dont like it,it made me fill worse.what do i do.

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My doctor just prescribe this med. for me because I just didn't have the energy as I used to have. I am 58 and play softball and racquetball, but lately my son really has to push me to get out and play and even go fishing. So my doc. said maybe my serotonin levels might be low so he told me to try citalopram. I am not depressed just getting older, I have tramatic arthritis in my ankle, bone spurs and herniated discs in my neck so sometimes it just hurts to get going but once I get out and play ball or fishing I have fun. But what I have read about this med. it makes me kind of leary to use it. I guess I will have to see how I will react to it. I manage a store and can't afford to be sleepy at work. I need energy not sedation. Thanks for all of your comments.

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I am going to start taking citalopram nbr (20mg) because my Dr. said that this was less likely to cause gain weight (than Lexapro) but I left his office with a Lexapro startup kit and I like it so far, but since my doc even mentioned this other one can even help you lose weight, if you have a high enough dose I want to see if this is the same and I get the added bonus of taking off this new baby weight. I'll try to remember to come back and report how it's going...I hope I'm like that one guy that likes it!

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i just had my lexapro replaced with a drug called citalopram. which is a generic form of celaxa. i haven't taken one yet. not sure if it is the same as lexapro. can anyone help me know if it is ok to take?

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Is it okay 4 me 2 take sons meds both of us are taking the same meds its citalopram but my son takes this & it has hbr on the meds name @ the end of it. Mines is 20mg & his is 10mg? Wats the difference? Im out & need my meds the dr switched my sons med 2 something else a week ago. So is it okay 2 take the remaining meds since its the same but his has hbr with it reply asap please.

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I have been taking Citalapram 20mg for a while now. I have no energy, no motivation and am so tired during the day. I can't seem to sleep at night yet in the morning I find it hard to get up. I am sure it is the drug but I'm worried to come off it.

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I have been taking Citalopram 20mg for 30 days and I have no side effects to this medication but it has been working very well for me. I can sleep better at night and I am not letting things get next to me at all and that works for me.

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Due to a change in prescription coverage my wife tried switching from Lexapro to Citalopram because the new company said it would be cheaper. Within 2 months her legs and feet starting swelling up horribly. Her doctor gave her a new prescription for the Lexapro. So much for saving money.

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Has anyone had peeling ,blistering, huge bleeding fissures on your fingertips? I was switched from Lexapro to Citalopram. I have been suffering for several years with my hands and fingers cracked, dry and bleeding. The dermatolist says I have eczama. I just started reading up on this drug and I have almost every side effect. I am at my wits end with my hands. Doctors don't seem to care, they just prescribe and don't tell you the side effects.
PLEASE, if you are having the symptoms I have described, let me know ASAP. I can hardly press the control on the TV controler, that is how painful these open fissures are.
Thank you if you can help.

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finished the 10 days on 1/2 tab absolute no side effects am I feeling better not sure starting full tablet tomorrow will report in about 3 weeks or a month

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I am so relieved I took a few minutes to read these comments after receiving a notice from my medicare Part D ins. company. I will not risk taking citalopram. I would rather pay my high co-pay and continue to take my lexapro.

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Just been perscribed Citalopram had a brain injury and my doctor thinks it will help with depression Worried about the side effects but am going to try. 1/2 20mg tab for 10 days then full strength watch this space will give report. Popped 3 1/2 tabs and no side effects yet

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I lost my health insurance and couldn't afford lexapro (which worked great) I tried this Citalopram - Awful- my lips dried out and cracked, very tired, and SWEATING!!!!! I never had side-effects to any medicine before - this was just horrible - The doctor won't prescribe anything else unless I come in - Duh - don't have health insurance!!!!!

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