Citalopram For Insomnia
UpdatedFor about 3 to 4 weeks now I have been having trouble sleeping. I wake in the middle of the night and my mind starts going and I have terrible trouble shutting back down. My mind says, "what time is it? I need to get back to sleep", "I have to work in the morning" and on and on. Consumed with the thought of sleep I sometimes fail to go back to sleep. sometimes I do but it takes 2 hours. I have had this issue since I was a child but it only manifests itself every 6 months to a year or maybe even less. But lately its been, like I said, a couple of months with this. So I became desperate for relief. I went to my GP and she prescribed citalopram. Her diagnosis was anxiety. I suppose waking in the middle of the night and having a racing mind is a sort of anxiety thing. Understand I am not a depressed person. Have never been on an antidepressant. But I am very O.C.D. For bed time everything must be "just so". Same time to bed, same routine, right down to lights off, ear plugs, tucked in, you name it.
I have also been taking benedryl for years to help me sleep. Another routine of mine. Its up to bed, brush teeth, 2 benedryl, ibuprophen, melatonin, then off to bed. I usually fall asleep, "most nights" ok. But as I said, lately, it is up in 4 to 5 hours and my mind goes "bing" and immediately thoughts of " I must get back to sleep". So, like I said, I went to my primary care physician and she prescribed 10mg of citalopram, saying, it will help you sleep. Take it for a few weeks to see if it helps. It is an anxiety medicine. First night after taking it my night was the same, up in a few hours and could not shut down. 2 night, same, 3rd night same or worse. Last night , 4th night on it, was maybe a bit better, but I took valerian as well. An herbal supplement that has calming properties. All in all I believe and feel that the citalopram has made my insomnia worse. I was so so tired going to bed last night . And when you wake in just a few short hours and boom, awake, mind awake, racing thoughts. I think to myself. IT wasn't this bad before. This is worse.
So, Do I give it more time? Can I quit citalopram cold turkey after having taken it for only 4 nights? Do I need to wean myself off it? Do I go to doctor for an actual sleep med like "ambien" and take only when I absolutely need it? Some history I remember from many years ago is this. I was at my inlaws and my sister inlaw heard of my issue I was having at the time and she gave me 1 ambien to take that night. it did wonders. it broke the cycle of bad thinking and I got back into a good sleep pattern there after. So, can anyone help me with thoughts?
1 Reply
Hello, David! How are you?
The FDA classifies Citalopram as an SSRI antidepressant and it will take about 3 to 4 weeks, before it reaches its full level of efficacy in your body, so you know if it is going to help you.
And for that first period of time, things may seem to get a bit worse, until you see improvement, but at this point, it's far too early to judge whether or not this medication will work for you.
Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes.
What you describe as OCD is actually more often considered to be an anxiety and doubt complex. OCD sufferers, like myself, tend to do the same thing over and over, like checking repeatedly to make sure the door is locked, or that we've turned off the stove, or washing our hands 10 times in a row, being unable to stop.
Have you considered consulting a psychiatrist? I think that might be your best option to really get a proper diagnosis and medical assistance.
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