Cipla Actin And Arvs (Page 3)
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Can i take cipla actin and arvs?
Can i use cipla actin and arvs? I want to know if there is no side effects
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Sir i take these 2 tablets since 3 year. Now i stop to take this. So please tell me what is the side effect of it. ## Wi...
Hi, I'm 24yrs old and my weight is 40kgs. I am not yet on ARVs but I'm HIV positive. I previously weighed 50kgs ...
sir i take these 2 pills every day last 3 year so is this harmful to reproductive system of man ## Sir i had used dexona...
I have taken dexona and ciplactin for about 2 years (2 tabs daily). But due to its side effects, like stretch marks and ...
I have been taking Ciplactin for weeks now for gaining weight, but now my feet and face are swollen. I don't know wh...
How long do i need to use cipla actin pills to see a difference in my weight? ## Hi, I just want to know if the Cipla Ac...
Can I use cipla actin while I'm breastfeeding? ## Has this medication been prescribed for you by your doctor? It is ...
Good day. I would like to ask if it's safe to use cipla actin while I have stomach ulcers? Thank you ## This medicat...
Can I take Cipla Actin when I feel overworked and stressed and I need more energy for my work? ## Hello, Modise! How are...
I've just been to the chemist for something for my over hyperactive 3year old and got Cipla Actin 4mg. Can I use thi...