Cilift (Top voted first)


it is a small white capsule. citalopram hydrobromide

11 Replies

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I have a sleeping disorder whereby my conscious state fights going to sleep but once I'm asleep my sleep state fights waking up. As a result I am awake most of the night and asleep most of the day. My Dr syas it is depression and wants to put me on Cilift but I read that Cilift actually can cause sleep disorders. Please advise? How long does it take for Cilift to actually start helping in general?

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You didn't provide enough information for me to verify what this is, but if you are certain is Citalopram, then it is an antidepressant, a generic for Celexa.

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sorry it is citalopram and it is giving me all side effects, almost everyone.

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Is Cilift addictive. My Dr has just told me to take it for a period of 6 months for some panic attacks I was having.

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I am on Cilift 20g and I have been feeling dizzy, nausious, paniced, palpatations, shortness of breath, and as if everything is moving so slow...

Is this normal? Is cilift the right pill for me to be on?
I dont want to feel like this for the next 6 months. I feel like a zombi and its making me more depressed as I feel so light headed al the time..

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I am 39 and have been on Cilift for more than 2 years now and have gained such a lot of weight I have not changed my eating habits at all. Could this be due to my age or could Cilift be the cause

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I've been on Cilift for depression for about about 6 months and I haven't felt any change.. The doctor I went to said it's likely I suffer from Cyclothymia

All I can tell that Cilift has done is make my periods of happiness more intense but not last any longer, but my depressed states are more frequent and just as bad as before, if not worse

I was just wondering if 6 months is too short a time to notice any positive effects just yet. How long does it take to kick in?

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It is cilift, i am still on the medication, for 3 years now and i have gained weight as hell. Stop taking it wont change the pattern, done that

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I I was not feeling bad,but had a blackout out of the blue, with no warning. I went for a few blood tests and then the doctor discovered Hypothyroidism. My TSH level was over 100. He immediately started me with 2ltroxin. I have been using it for 3weeks now, but I only feel worse and worse everyday. My doctor now prescribed Cipramil. The pharmist suggested that I use that I use the generis, Cilift. I am very desperate to feel better,but I have not found even one good comment amount Cilift. I am already feeling: tired, dizzy, headaches, nauseous, fat, muscle pains and cannot sleep. Witout even using Cilift. What should I do? Do I start taking Cilift if I read that this has exactly the side-effect that I am trying to get rid of?

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Hi. I don't know when u posted this msg but I have to tell u that cilift changed my life. I suffer from anxiety and the panic attacks were making it impossible to cope. I had 10 days of 'worsened' symptoms when takin cilift. U can try curb these by taking a benzo during the first few days. After my body adjusted I felt great. No benzos, no panic attacks, I watch what I eat naturally so never experienced weight gain and most of all I have more confidence in my overall thought patterns. It was the best thing that could have happened to me.

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I have been on Cilift for depression for 6 months now. It has truly changed my life for the better. I dont know what would have happened to me if it weren't for Cilift. It took 8 weeks before it started working though. So keep on it, it will change your life.

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