Chronic Pain And Pain Killers
UpdatedI have disk degenerative disease in bottem 6 disk from tail bone up, scoliosis, fibromyalgia and uneven hips. Started tylenol3s when was 13 and I just turned 31. Have gone from tylenol 3s percocet morphine(10*30*50*100m) ms morphine demerol dillaudid (2*4*8) hydromorphs (6*12*24) fentynal (12*25*50*100). All my doctor did was keep handing me more pills. I cried and pleded for them to send me to a specialist for diagotistics. I'm very happy to say that I am down to 3-30mg morphines a day. I have 2 year old son who is dennis the mennis maybe has him beat lol. Some days its tough to get up. I'm currently at the point where the morphine is lucky to last 3 hrs. :( I never want to go back to the amounts I was on before but I need to be able to function. I picked up meds on 13th. I swear to go this is wrong and seems like maybe only 10mgs but caps bottles is all the same... Believe me I know when my body isn't getting enough meds. I know the difference between my tolerence level going up and this is not that... I'm starting to think that's a way to cut people off of medication.. Say strong on bottle but not be same amount in pill and then say oh well you don't need it now! Lol I'm just guessing but something wrong. If it was my tolerence lever would be slowly over period of time but this is just since I picked up this bottle of pills! Can someone please help me and give me some suggestions so I don't have to increase my doses but have enoughto function... I do drug checks every visit, random pill counts to make sure taking them properly and I volenteered to do these thing after cut myself off so they wouldn't look at me like I just want pills constantly. I said I'm not asking for 300mgs a day but geeeze! I've got bone scans xrays mris ct scans all to back up my problems :)
2 Replies
Hello, Gaylene! How are you doing? Sorry about the problem that you're having.
No, if the tablets and everything else is the same, then the dosage is the same. It would be illegal for your doctor or pharmacist to make such a switch on you, not to mention that it would be virtually impossible, your doctor would have to know what pharmacy you're using, plus have the cooperation of the manufacturer and the pharmacist… no, I just don't see that happening.
You are most likely just getting tolerant to this dose. It is completely normal and happens to everyone.
Have you consulted your doctor about the issue, yet?
This is crazy, but I'm going to try. I have 6 really really bad discs. Had surgery in July 2014 and they shaved a part of the disc hitting the root. However, from what they tell me as of my last MRI on 12/22/2017 with contrast... They said it was scar tissue putting all the pressure on my nerve; causing the unbearable burning. If this ESI shot works on Feb 23rd I want off pills. But how? Been on them for 4 years. And now I was on 180 hydrocodone 10mg a month. Now I'm on 120 oxycodone a month. Which I love that those are easier on my liver and kidneys, but I have to take three to get any help at all. They count my pills, so some days I go with none. Can they give me a stronger does? Can they give me a non habit forming pain pill that works? Lastly, am I going to be on pain pills my whole life cause of my bad 6 discs? Anyway, thank you and God Bless. Also, gabapentin does NOT WORK for me, nor does ambien nor ibuprofen. Lol
Lastly, my ex fiancé flushed all my pills. I have proof and text. She told me good luck with probation and custody of my Son... Is there anything I can do? He is 7 and I just got him through a CPS case cause his Mom is on Metamphetamine.... thank you.
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