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I am taking 25mg of chlorthalidone daily to prevent calcium loss. One of the side effects is that it depletes potassium. For that reason, I take prescription potassium. The mcg's keep increasing because blood tests every 3 months or so show low levels of potassium. My potassium intake has now been increased to 50mcg per day (it started at 20). Has anyone experienced this? I am now going for a cardia stress test due to abnormal EKG.

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I have only been on chlorathalidone for a couple months, but my potassium levels are a little on the low side, other than that I have not had cramps and such. My doctor is putting me on a potassium supplement as well to bring it up and I am eating alot of potassium enriched vegetables and fruits. When you lose potassium it is one of your electrolytes with could make you have an arythmia, but as soon as these are back in check , it should be fine. Ask your doctor to prescribe a medicine that may be a potassium friendly medicine, but I would not recommend spirolactone, it has been proven in lab animals to cause tumors. I am not staying on this any longer than I have to and have lost 20 lbs.

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I take this and I also take something for ressless leg at night & day time when need..I dont know if I should be on Potassum supplement because I also am takeing a diuretic do to so much water weight gain I have.Does any one have any Idea?

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This medication is a diuretic, as such, it can sometimes result in a loss of Potassium in the body. A deficit in Potassium can cause leg and/or muscle cramps.

If it continues to be a problem, I would suggest speaking to your doctor, you may need to try a different type of medication or take a Potassium supplement.

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pot chlor er tabs ! have been getting a lot of muscle pain, legs mostly, any one else ? any sujestions /

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