Cannot Fill My Prescription For Oxycodone 30 In Florida (Page 3)
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i have tried everywhere in my county that i live in florida, get the same answer from all the walgreens and the pharmacies in my area they are out and dont know when they will have it if ever again. i think this is a shame for a person who has a prescription from a doctor and is in severe pain all waking hours. i think this is also a shame because all it does is gives the drug dealers on the streets a reason to charge $20.00 a pill and laugh at us all the way to their bank. there has got to be some relief for us honest people that are suffering and work hard to have insurance and be up standing citizens. i thank our governor for making this problem worse in florida and feeding right into the drug dealer hands. please can someone help and get the honest people who suffer everyday the relief they need. thank you
If you go to a legitiment Dr. that does pain control, and you find the pharmacist like I have at walgreens. I have no trouble what so ever filling my RX Roxicodone 30mg Tabs #90 every month, along with Methadone 60mg's daily. They always have them, and if they don't I simply go to a local grocery store and they will fill them as well. If they have them, they will FILL THEM, if they are OUT, they can't fill em, and they are NOT GOING TO TELL WHEN THEY GET THEM IN EITHER, that;s breaking federal law. They can hold your RX if they are getting a shipement the same day or they will say come back after 2...something like that. If you see a Dr. in one county and go to fill it in another county, you will have a problem. CVS doesn't fill Oxycodone products at all unless it a regular MD that's not pain management. Plus the dosage must only be no more than 5 to 10mg MAX otherwise CVS SUCKS!!!! FYI... DO not let mom and pop shops charge you more than $2 per pill, otherwise they can be reported and SHUT DOWN, there was one in Cocoa BEach, FL charging $9 per Roxicodone 30mg, the DEA shut him down!
I have been taking Oxycodone and/or Oxycontin for almost 17 years, due to severe bone degenerating disease, and until about two years ago, I was able to continue to work and function almost normally. Laws have changed in Florida, and because no one can get these strong but very helpful pain medications, I am in terror watching my health go downhill so rapidly and I wonder, how much pain can I tolerate, how long before these problems [political/DEA] come to an end, and will I be able to regain the ability to take care of myself again, because I am so limited by pain now-joint damage is not reversible!. I began to us an out of State Pharmacy sponsored by Humana, my health Insurance, called Rightsource RX, but after about the third request to fill by mail they told me they would not fill my prescriptions if I had them mailed to me in Florida, and then blacklisted me. I actually have a number of other presriptions filled, that are all expensive, and decided to stop sending them my other scripts unless they agree to fill all/ or none. So far, I am still here in Florida in terrible crippling pain and Rightsource RX is not getting any of my other expensive prescriptions, but that hasn't solved my problem. I am a senior Lady who has always taken medications as prescribed and never abused narcotics since I need them so much to live, I wouldn't risk loosing the right to have them filled, yet, with no former problems- I still cannot get my narcotic prescriptions filled and the anxiety of trying to get a doctor to write a prescription, then, hoping a pharmacy will even agree to fill a prescription is nearly impossible, and Walgreens is the top of the bad pharmacies that won't help their customers as well. What are the options? Move to another country?
Keep in mind that you will trouble filling that RX unless you get yourself on a list at walgreens. If you a decent pharmacy history and JUST ONE DOCOtor that writes your controlled meds, then they will put your name on a Confindetial List for only R.P,.H's at walgreens. These pts like myself get my meds every month like clockwork unless they are simply OUT, when that happens , they tell you come back and they will have it, and they always do...I used to NEVER be able get my 30's Roxy's filled anywhere, CVS WILL NOT DO IT< don't waste your timer. Those mom and pop shop that charge $10 pill... REPORT THEM THAT PRICE GOGING your however you spell and its iilegal, they will shut them, you must report them though
I agree! "This is BS trying to get proper meds, seeing a pain specialist, all the legal channels just to get some Quality of life, @such a young age. Surgeries, shots..blah, blah doesn't help. I'm calling my new Dr. Up & insisting to go on what works & I won't have to jump through hoops (pun intended) to get on Oxycodones, but get some.... relief! I'm not wanting to feel high, just be able 2 get out of bed!
I do Phil where??
Walgreen will never have oxycodone again they got caught up in a sting op by dea some stores in the south were dispensing illegaly
Please help me out man where can I fill them
Where in Florida are you located because I'm in palm beach gardens and literally have had to drive to 6 different counties even drove 4 hours away to fill for my oxycodone 30mg (I mean if your only getting the 5 or 10 mg oxycodone then I see why you have no problem) but I even had my dr write me two seperate prescriptions one for only 50 pills and then another for 90 because cvs kept telling me they could only fill 60 pills at a time so please let me know what part of Florida your in
I have the same problem . I pray constantly for a change. My doctor has suggested I write to my congressman and anyone who will listen. Growing weary of suffering. Our government knew and failed to prepare for the pain problem comes of all the baby boomers!!! as we age of our bodies are dying , decaying joints don't work and I could go on and on about this. My doctor is a decent man who generally cares. My biggest problem is if they had to live in my pain for one day ,maybe they would understand? their countries all over the world who I'm sure are dealing with the same problems but what is the answer ?if only I were younger, stronger and not sick I would somehow March up and down the street make a noise maybe that's what all pain sufferers need to do is make a noise they sell alcohol but not something that lets me has some sort of quality-of-life. God have mercy on our souls. Please I'll join a group or an advocacy or anyone who wants to fight the people in one house and the loss of going this nation to pay attention to us and get rid of the bad.
I live in Florida and have no difficulty getting my MS Contin (morhpine) and oxycodone filled at Walgreens, CVS, Walmart or any other pharmacy. Granted it's not the amount your script is for, but they fill it without question.
Im having the same problem, i live in davie florida and cant find anyone to fill me prescription... im on my wits end and am willing to pay cash even tho I have insurance... can someone please help me with a mom and pop pharmacy that will fill my script for dilaudid 8mg 112 tabs or oxycodone 30 mg 112 tabs??? email me at {edited for privacy} or leave answer here please!!!!
I can help u find a place to get them filled. Let me know if u still have problems.
Where did you hear that? I have been doing mine though my insurance company for almost two years now. I hope it is a rumor.
I heard mail order through ins companies won't fill FL narcotics anymore?
Optumrx mail order for united health care fills oxycodone 30 mg scripts, no prior authorization needed. I've been filling mine there since march 2013 and get it everytime. Takes about a week for then to process the scripts but they send them. I had some difficulty last month cause my scripts are from FL and I moved to MA so they were being difficult but still filled them
To Vervown; I thought that going through my Plan D preffered mail order pharmacy was also my best bet but after they had my prescption from a well reknown and award winning Pain management doctor for over a week they simple said that their commitee decided they could not fill my dose of 240 *0 milligram oxicontin. I habe been with the same doctor for over 10 years and used the same pharmacy done everything by the book but all of a sudden in June 2013 my pharmacy let me know that their distributer had been siezed by DEA and thay can't get any more narcatics until they can re-order. At least they gave all there clients a 5 day supply. I have been everywhere else no one will fill my legal prescription. The preferred mail order was from United Health Care and they just wasted my time after telling me they had no problem filling it all of a sudden with no explanation they siad they just could not fill it and did not even bother talking to my doctor! Does anyone know where I can turn next. What is crazy is this is not on the news I wonder how many deaths blamed on opiate abuse are actually from withdrawal or even suicide since right on the lable it says not to stop taking the medication abruptly. This leterally happened from one day to the next with muy pharmacy getting a call in the morning saying they could no order any more narcorics from the distributor no time given until they could get anymore than what they had in stock. Does anyone have any options? Why has this not been on the news?
To Getna:
By just forgetting it does not help myself or the other people suffering from cancer and severe pain like myself. You need to realize this is exactly what they want us to do. Action speaks louder then words and needs to be taken not to just it let go. That is what I am looking for help as well as get the prescriptions I need. Thank you !
its 2013 june,cant find anyone to fill my oxys.i need help.ilive alone, no family ,no money,no car,doc changed his office and hasn't told me where he is,but I found out.filled my morphine and valium but not oxy im gonna be real sick and he don't care.what a me hooked and then disappeared.lost job now im gonna lose my apt.and be homeless can he do this to legit pain paitents.?heartless.i have one week before next visit and hes gonna want another 200 .why pay if I cant get them filled?i don't know what to do.been on subs I got off street. runninlow.imscared
You need realize, they want you on heroin...we spent 10 trillion dollars to control the world heroin supply do you really think they want you on oxy.
The only suggestion I can make, which has worked for some other people that had similar problems, is to contact your insurance company and ask if they have a preferred mail order prescription provider.
In many cases, it can even result in a lower, or no co-pay for you, as well.
Learn more Oxycodone details here.
Does anyone else have any other suggestions?
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