Can You Legaly Have A Scrip For Soboxone And Pain Killers
Updatedi have a scrip for soboxone and i have 4 ruptured discs that have started hurting again is it legal to get a scrip for pain while having soboxone
4 Replies
Yes it is in the USA, as I take subox 16mg eday and when back pain is out of control the same doc. tells me to stay of the sub for at least 1-3days and rx's me oxycodone 5-10mg's depending on pain levels! so if ur doc. is not a #^$&, then 4sho u should be able to get RXed something for pain! If u can, u can use soma and soboxone 2gether and get a tona relief that way! Flexeril works 4 me 2!
I am a diabetic with chronic back pain. Prescribed oxycodone 30mg 3X daily. Cut off of soma Dr say diabetes not good with diabetes.? Bad combination he says.Not Sure of Dr 's advice. Ify. Idont believe.Am I wrong to question.
Yes it is absolutely legal to take both Buprinorphine and pain meds, but make sure you are getting the pain meds from the same doctor that prescribes your subs to you, or have them prescribed under their supervision (ex. Dentist), or it will cause you problems in the long run. Obtaining a prescription from another doc without informing the doc that prescribes your Subutex/Suboxone is grounds for immediate discharge at most prescribing facilities. I take 16mg of Suboxone per day and had to have some substantial Dental work done, and I needed something more for the pain and was prescribed 20mg oxy every 2- 4 hours as needed for 10 days in ADDITION to my Suboxone. Most people will say to refrain from taking your subs while on the pain meds but you don't have to, esp if you are taking Subutex (doesn't contain naloxone). My doctor told me that it's all in the order that you take it. My dumb self forgot what order he said to take it in though and figured taking the Suboxone first and the pain meds about 30min to an hour later would be logical, but within 15- 20 min of taking the oxy i started to feel sick. What saved me was that i actually split my strips into 1/4 portions anyway, because taking a whole one at once is just a little overwhelming for me, so I simply took another 1/4 strip when I began to feel sick. Maybe 10min later I was fine...better than fine actually. I could still feel the effects from the pain meds, but taking that small amount of Sub afterwards made any withdrawal symptoms I may have been experiencing go away. However, my friend that takes Subutex said that when she had her knee surgery, the opposite order worked best for her. Splitting your strip or pill into smaller portions until you know what works best for you is the best idea in my opinion, just so you will have a fail safe. I have also tried doing the pain meds while temp stopping the Sub, and anyone who has ever HAD to take pain pills in place of, or without their Subs for whatever reason will tell you, it is not fun. You would think, an opioid is an opioid and you shouldn't feel any "sickness" as long as you're taking the pain pills, but Sub is different and you DEFINITELY don't feel the same without them. It's not so much a traditional "sick" feeling, as much as just generally being uncomfortable..really uncomfortable...ALL THE TIME...and if you are already in pain, that's not optimal. My one other piece of advice to you would just be to be really careful and honest with yourself while taking any other opiot. We all know what Suboxone/Subutex is prescribed for, and once you start to feel that oh-so-familiar feeling, it can be hard to control yourself and to put it back down. I would suggest having someone you trust distribute them to you, and try to ONLY take them as long as you truly NEED to. It's a slippery slope my friend! I Hope this helps and best of luck =)
Legally, yes! But they will not, since the Suboxone prevents them from attaching to the opiate receptors in your brain, according to NIH studies. They also warn that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, and constipation.
Your Suboxone doctor might also not allow you to take other controlled substances, depending on the agreement in your original contract.
Is there anything I can help with?
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