Can You Cut Oxycontin Half Or Quarters?


Have 80 mg oxycodone but scared to take that much, can I cut in half,? Quarters?

10 Replies

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Hello, Richie! How are you?

No, Oxycontin is a time released formulation of Oxycodone and cutting it could cause you to get too much of the medication, at once. It should be taken intact.

The FDA lists this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I just found out that I am pregnant. I am prescribed oxycontin OP 60mg 3x daily. SSince I have found out, I reduced to 2x daily. I feel guilty even taking that, but the WD are really bad. My Dr. Is going to put me on 20mg and tapper me from there. I want to be off of these things before the 2nd trimester. I am debating doing halves though.

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Yes. Cutting the pill will just bring down the amount your taking. It does not change the time release formula and is still safe to take.

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I usually take 10 oxycodone, but now have 20 oxycotin. My dr told me to take the 10's and cut in half. Can I do the same with the 20 oxycotin?

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Thank you! I have been sitting here in pain, scared to cut it in half. Some people say yes, some say no.

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Just ran across this thread and I takeoxycontintoo. The new OP is more to curtail abuse, but it has also curtailed severe chronic pain sufferers quality of life because it only works 6 to 8 hours and not very well for those 6 to 8 hours either. All they care about is the abuse factor and they absolutely don't care about the patients quality of life. Until the reformulation to the OP version I had never heard of breakthrough pain. Now I have to pay for more medication to cover what the OP version doesn't. I use to only have to take 2Oxycontina day and that was it. Also because of gastro issues caused by the OP version I now have to takeProtonixtwice a day too, so now I'm paying over $250 more a month for 2 other medications because of the OP version! I wonder if Purdue Pharmaceutical gets kick backs for all the extra pills being sold because of the OP version, makes you wonder...

The one thing I have figured out about the OP version is that the polymer that they use to put theoxycodonehcl in dissolves the same whether the pill is whole or cut in half. I'm not suggesting anyone do what I'm about to say, but it's how I now take my OP version. I cut the pill in half and take a half pill every 6 hours. This seems to give me better overall pain reduction throughout a 24hr period. Since doing this I have never seen a halfway dissolved pill in my BM Stools. Which would indicate to me that I'm now getting all theoxycodonehcl that's in the pill instead of pooping out halfway dissolved pills.

My overall quality of life has improved because all the drug is getting into my body because the half pill is fully dissolving. The pill is very hard and hard to cut with a pill cutter. I use a pill cutter from CVS pharmacy, the purple one that costs a little more than the blue one they sell. The purple one has an orange slide bar the pill fits on and will cut the pill more easily in exact halves.

Like I said, doing this has given me better overall coverage in a 24hr period. I'm not recommending to do this, but if you're not getting decent coverage over a 24hr period it might be an option you may want to explore. If you do, don't tell your doctor or they might think your abusing the medication because your cutting the pill. But the reality is this OP formulation dissolves in the same time release manner because of the polymer they used. Cutting the pill just reduces the surface area and assures the half will completely dissolve. Try taking 4 halves, 1 half every 6 hours and you be the judge. I also cut my breakthrough medication in half and take a half with theoxycontinhalf every 6 hours too.

This is definitely off label, but my quality of life is at least 30% better taking my medicines like this.

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All the posts are right about the 80 op...only take orally...otherwise you get no effect!! Suck on it for awhile then take it with hot coffee or tea!!

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I just saw this and really hope someone informed you of this and that there's still this option, but switch to methadone!! My daughter was conceived during mine and her mother's extreme opiate addiction. Methadone is a long lasting opiate and it has NO negative effects during pregnancy. It saved mine and her life and my daughter has NO health or mental issues from it. She is bilingual, highest reading level in her class amongst other things. It will possibly save you too. My heart goes out to you and hope this helps.

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Holy smokes! I was reading this question and the replies and felt obligated to respond. For just a little background and to establish some credibility you should know that I have a background in healthcare and own a toxicology confirmation laboratory [1]. ALWAYS refer to the package insert for the specific medication as the manufacturers are required to disclose critical information regarding their products. As per the label of oxycontin, cutting the tablet alters the bioavailability of this product and can drastically alter how quickly you absorb the active component. There are a number of things that affect how you respond individually (metabolism, other drugs, weight and many others) to any medication, please know that cutting this tablet will change the properties that allow the slow release of medication over an extended time period and this may have a significant outcome for you!! Speak with your provider and read the labeling and use this medication with care as I assume there are people in your life that need and want you around! If this medication is not working for you because of cost or efficacy please have an honest conversation with your provider, I promise they want to help you!

[1] Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Spare me! Phd bio chem, PROGRESSIVE MS, DROP HEAD (all I see now are my feet!!!), RELAPSING POLYCHONDRITIS...a slow painful death! I'm a deceased Celebrity's daughter with a HUGE following!! I post motivational POSITIVITY! I have CELEBS AND VERY SICK PEOPLE who rely on me! Reason: YOU CAN TAKE "your WARNING" AND CRAM IT!!!! Obviously YOUR NOT IN PAIN! TODAY was my FIRST DAY (15 years) on NEW CRAPPY FORMULA! I didn't ask for it, it was a NEW DR. who after a 2 hr. appointment knew exactly how much pain I was in. My Rx was a new (I didn't know!) 20mg S***TY FORMULA! To the poster re: cutting 1/2 for NO BREAK THRU PAIN! I thank you from the bottom of my heart. NOW YOU MRS KNOW IT ALL / NARCOTICS POLICE!!!! Get THE HELL OFF OF THIS THREAD AND GO FIND A HOBBY!!! NO ONE HERE NEEDS YOUR "expertise". I use the term loosely!!! CONCERNED MY ASS!!! Go dictate to someone else, nobody here needs you. If I could I would say something right now so I will type it differently. I am a corporate business woman and I have ethics too!!!! TO MARK, THANK YOU. That makes complete sense! How are you? To: Mrs. know it all, nothing ever lasts for 12 hours. Take a f***ing hike. There said it, probably for a lot of other people who didn't want to type it here. That's the last thing I'm gonna say to you. By the way I have an IQ of 140 in addition to my PhD in biochemistry and I don't know who the hell you think you were. Just get lost. You really pissed me off! Mark once again I thank you so much and I will comment on your post too. Everybody here is in pain!

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