Can I Take Two 0.25 Mg Xanax Together (Top voted first)
UpdatedJust wondering if this is safe? Ive been on this medication for 3 years off and on. I use to be prescribed the 0.5 mg tablets but my anxiety got better so my dr decreased my dose. Ive been taking the 0.25 mg for months now and it doesnt help my anxiety,so wondering if safe to take two at a time
8 Replies
Can I take two tablet of Xanax each for 0.25 at the same time? Just wanted to make sure I am not overdose. Any suggestions?
You shouldn't double up on this medicine as you would run out quicker and face possible withdrawal issues. Is it safe on the other hand to do so? Well, yes.
Okay thank you. I know doubling up on medication isnt good. I just wanted to make sure that I didnt have to worry about overdose or something. Say if I take two 0.25 mg xanax at each dosing twice a day. And I usually wait 8 hours in between dosings
Does the Doctor prescribe enough medicine to last you a month, not half a month if you double? If not you don't want to do this as withdrawal can set in, usually from larger doses and is much more of a concern than an overdose by taking an extra pill
Sorry I shouldve been more specific. I called my dr office yesterday and informed them of my situation. They didnt have any available appointments til monday. The on call nurse,who I talked to suggested to take the two 0.25 mg xanaxs together at each dosing until I can get in with dr. I didnt get to ask her how I should space the dosages out with me taking two at a time. 8 hours like I normally would? Or longer considering its two pills? And usually I take it twice a day,only 3 times a day if anxiety is bad
Yes it's safe but rather than do that just have your xanax dosage increased.
Re: Shar (# 7)
Yes, but its best to ask your Doctor or read the info given to you with the Xanax. Any questions ask the Pharmacist
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