Can I Go Cold Turkey?
UpdatedI have been on norco 10-325 for 5 years and take 2 to 5 per day. What would be a good schedule to us to taper off and quit using it. I have heard that cold turkey may not be the best way to do it.
1 Reply
Hello, Steve! How are you?
Cold turkey could result in your experiencing withdrawal symptoms, which the FDA lists as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, fever, chills, depression, anxiety and rebound pain, so yes, a slow taper is best.
There's no specific taper schedule that always works for everyone, however, in most cases, the preferred method is to have someone starting spacing their doses farther apart, while gradually taking less and less, usually a change is made every week or two.
Have you consulted your doctor? They should be able to help you set up an appropriate and safe taper schedule.
Does anyone else have any advice to offer?
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