Buprenorphin Weight Gain (Top voted first)


I've been on subutex for about 14 months and gained every bit of 40 lbs. not to mention with my diet and excercise patterns, I should have lost 40. I've never been fat, well I was when I was a strung out junkie but that makes me eat non stop and not exercise. Today I have been on a liquid diet (whey protein powder and water or skim milk) and I allow myself to eat fruit and vegetables. I literally work out 1 to 3 times per day, and I mean seriously working out hardcore and I keep gaining weight, certainly am not losing any. There's 0% doubt in my mind it's the subutex which I'm down to 4 mg/day. I'm suicidally depressed now and my girlfriend of course left me and I have no love life and I'm consumed by anger and resentment. Oh on a side note, I have no idea what people are talking about when they say the withdraw of buprenorphin is worse than any opiate. That's laughable to me. It's harder withdrawing off Tylenol as far as physical symptoms. I'm not seeing that side. But if I come off this which I can but relapse on other drugs my problems will be compounded exponentially and I'll do anything just to be miserable and fat. So it's tough, a person like me who is so emotional and needs love in his life and can't have it, it's just torturous. I'm a really good person and really funny but just big, I don't really have much of a belly but I'm just a big guy and that's a bad look now of days. I'm 39 and going to come off these now, well the last time I filled my script will be my last time. I just hope I'm doing the right thing, I have to take a chance one way or another. I'm down to 4 mg/day from 20. Still bloated and overweight. Give me any feedback if you want. Thanks.

2 Replies

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Hello, Yogey! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the problems you're having.

Typically, this medication causes weight loss and/or anorexia, rather than gain. However, that being said, you are not the first person to report weight gain while taking it and it has also been known to happen with other opiates, as well.

As to your size, it's sad that there are so many shallow people in the world, none of us are perfect and people need to remember that. There is also far more to a person that their size and just because someone is bigger than you, that doesn't make them less of a human being or mean that they have let themselves go, are grossly overweight or anything of the sort. Really, people need to leave other people alone.

Have you considered trying an antidepressant? On top of helping with depression and anxiety, some of them can also help with pain, due to the way they work on brain chemicals. There are several, such as Bupropion and Prozac that are also considered weight neutral, by the FDA.

How are things going with stopping the Buprenorphine?

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YOGEY: For some reason, these ORT meds (opiate replacement therapy) can cause weight gain. I gained a little weight on Subutex and even more on methadone. I am dieting and exercising, and at least my weight is stable now. Hoping I will start losing some weight soon. A lot of opioid addicts are also sugar addicts, so of course that doesn't help. Sounds like sugar isn't your problem though. I actually was a lot thinner when I was an active opiate patient.

As far as your girlfriend, you are better off without her. Anyone who would leave someone over a weight gain that cannot be helped doesn't sound like someone you would need in your life anyway. I have never heard of anyone losing weight on ORT, only gaining. I know others who have had this happen, so yes, it is most likely the Subutex.

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