Blue Oval Pill V15
UpdatedI found a light blue pill with a V15 on one side
12 Replies
Me too cant find any info on it either
This has popped up in several posts recently, I cannot find them listed anywhere, but they have been identified by someone else as possibly being Tylenol, but I cannot verify this.
Has anyone else discovered anything?
i cant find anything on it either
This is extra strength pain relief PM -- This is a generic store brand - I have the bottle in front of me and it says Assured as the brand says it is a night time sleep aid and pain reliever -- it is the generic version of Tylenol PM
if it is a blue pill with v15 on one side and tylenol and a score on the other it is a sleeping aid. if it is light blue with v15 on one side and nothing on the other it definately is a vicodin es 10 ml. i am from houston, tx and i am a pain management patient. my doctor recently changed my medication to the generic vicodin 10ml instead of the lortab 10ml because he said that this is a new medication and that it will work better for my pain which is in my lower back. it is also better because there is not as much acetominophen as the lortab 10ml. hope this helps everyone.
this is a powerful narcotic called Vicodin. if it has v15 imprinted on one side and nothing on the other it is the newest thing in pain management. it contains 10 ml of hydrocodone and 325 of acetominophen. whoever keeps saying that they are tylenols is really messing with people. this is a very addictive drug and is abused often. for the woman who found this in her grandsons room who is addicted to roxicodone, he is taking this because it is similar to oxicodone, but instead is hydrocodone. becareful anyone who has this because it is a schedule III narcotic and is punishable by law with no prescription.
It isn't Vicodin, those guys are just messing with you. It's a 15 MG morphine tablet, geesh.
it's a sleeping pill. it is either tylenol pm or a generic version of it if it doesn't say tylenol anywhere on it. i take these from time to time and my bottle is sitting next to me as i type this.
If it says v15 on one side and looks like A V combonation on the other side its tylenol pm. The A and the V are together as one.
Assured is the brand. It says word for word on the bottle in front of me. Exrtra-strength
Pain Relief
Pain Relief~Night Time Sleep Aid
Acetaminophen 500 mg
Diphenhydramine HCI 25mg as a Nightime sleep aid..
Here is the number on the back of the bottle. 1-877-753-3935
Hope this helps
go to this web site and you can see that this pill is assured brand acetaminophen with a sleep aid put out by dollar tree:
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