Blue Diazepam Marked With E Z 10
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I found a bright blue pill in a family members house. it was marked ez 10. is this diazepam? as I have been told this by the family member.

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They're fake valium made to a similar structure and effect. I'l try upload pic of the ingredients.

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It is most definitely not Diazepam! I was taking the ez10's for weeks, drug panel came back negative for benzo's! I ended up in hospital with a blood clot in my lung, most likely wafarin or beta blockers dyed blue, Central Scotland is awash with them. Some really dodgy stuff going inti these pills, prison for the body, slowly killing yourself if you take them long-term. So my advice, stay well clear, especially if their single, different colours of blue, sample ID isn't clear, common sense really eh

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Yeah could be true if from a trim supply the thing is I could make tabs with imprints and use a machine to put in blisiter packs.then use good packaging boxes.thats sort of how its done but dont get me wrong the real thing is out there.)))

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That's true if there loose, but if there coming in crates/boxes and straps surely their OK? What do you think GMan? I get boxes of yells/blues Actavis and there just as good as my prescribed yells I get, same box, same markings etc etc

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Anyone getting blues or yellow valium off the street dealers must know that even if they have a stamp like a manufacturer i.e. activis. Cox. Roche. with d 10 or any other common mark on real valium. U can buy the machine for not a lot of money of the web. make a mix up of any tablets or worse eat poison etc. mix put throughout the machine. blue dye then stamp. Don't be fooled by a stamp. please stay safe

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Yeah aswell as a blood clot in my lung, I did go a bit psychotic, couldn't finish sentences, had a glazing look in my eyes, my balance was all over the place. I was in a bad bad way. Stay well clear!

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Don't take them pleased am from Scotland and ended up going pychotic on them.not valium for sure.i nearly ended up in mental hospital.bin them and get a different kind if you need them.very dangerous ez 10 or 1.0 pure poison

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Research chemical? Research for what? Trying to kill folks..... I've got a blood clot in my lung because of them!

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Ez 1.0 blue diazepam in scotland are a research not take.poison.

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Anyone get them you ask? lol Go into any head shop and get them. Ezitolam. Legal High. Fake Diazepam. Be warned tho bud, your at risk of blood clots, COPD and loads of some other nasty s*** that can happen to you taking this crap, your getting stoned because your brain is being starved of blood and oxygen, hence the gouching effect. My advice would be to stay well clear, but that's my advice mate. It's very VERY easy to get real Actavis yellows & blues, 28 per box, 10 for yells, score for blues, Scotland is awash with them. You in Scotland?

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ii got ez 10 n they r v good just as good as ur old cox any one get them get intouch.ive been on theem 25 years straight.

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Don't take them, they caused a blood clot in my left lung about a month or 2 ago, that was a month after stopping taking them. Scotland is awash with them at mo, you will get the drowsiness at night because as it's essentially a beta blockers it is reducing the amount of blood and oxygen to the brain, but that's as far as any effects go, they do not help with anxiety, in fact they make it 100 times worse. I've had to be put on a rapid reduction of diazepam by the CDPS to stop the side effects they were causing after I ceased using them. I was a mess. I couldn't finish sentences, I had this glacant look, I stopping eating, washing, essentially my anxiety and depression spiralled out of control. I'm just now getting back to some normality.

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Yes these pills have been seen in Ayrshire Scotland. I Came online and looked after a mate who has been ordering so called diazapam 10mg (they are blue with a NTZ on them). I am on the prescription medication and she thinks she is taking the same as me in "street" form. im really worried

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I have just bought these ez 10 as I suffer badly with my nerves and my doctor wont give me any diazepam / valium as I had a drink problem 5 years ago which I must say have been sober since.Reading some of the reports now I'm frightened to take them , I don't know enough about them

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I've been taking EZ 10's for couple weeks, getting the gouching effect at night but nothing else. Anyway, my drug panel results came back negative for diazepam and I was taking in excess of 200mg daily for over a fortnight. So there is no diazepam in them whatsoever at all. Nada. Stay well clear.

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looking for some , pref boxes can anyone help ???

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I get prescribed diazepam and I am in Ayrshire also, there are fake diazepam going about with ez 1.0, they r bright blue not the proper colour of a real blue diazepam which the colour is lake blue, it tells you on the packet. Stay back from the bright blues as I have sampled hundreds & they are s***e! They stain your tongue as if you have been sooking a blue ice pole -fakes

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Thanks, think they might b the fake ones. getting nothing out of them except a headache & sweats. thanks 4 letting me know tho.x

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Hey, I have been seeing alot of these pills in Ayrshire, Scotland... most have EZ a line then 1.0 below, to my knowledge i am sure they are a brand of diazepam however there are thousands of fake ones around.. I actually am prescribed 10mg diazepam and did try some of the EZ 1.0 tabs my friend had and with experience of diazepam , i would say yes they are Diazepam as i got the exact same effect as a prescribed one..

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