Blue Fluoxetine Causes Heartburn (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedRecently my pharmacy began giving me a new version of fluoxetine, which I have taken for MANY years with no problems.... however the blue fluoxetine gives me horrible heart burn. I use to take them at night before bed, but couldn't sleep, so decided to start taking them in the morning and still get the heartburn. I don't take them with any other meds. I tried an empty stomach, and after eating, but the results are still the same. I also get a bad headache (I think from the heartburn.) Has anyone figured out how to avoid this problem?
Yes, it is irresponsible, and certainly shows that they care more about keeping costs low than for helping people. The gelatin capsules are the nearly universal cause for the heartburn people experience with taking their generic drugs. In other words, it's not limited to Fluoxetine, but is reported by people all over the world whose generic medications that use the size 0 and size 00 gelatin capsule. The vegetarian grade capsule in size 0 and size 00 never causes heartburn because it's made out of plant material, but the gelatin capsule is made from animal hides and gets stuck to what is called "the lower esophageal sphincter" which is the muscle at the top of the stomach. The gelatin gets stuck there causing the stomach acid to reflux (go backwards up the esophagus). Despite the many reports globally, these companies still won't switch over to vegetarian grade capsules for sizes 0 and 00. For those reading this who are suffering the heartburn right this moment: the best remedy is to take two large gulps of Apple Cider Vinegar followed by two gulps of cool water. Wait 15 minutes, then repeat. The vinegar will burn as it goes down, but it will neutralize the stomach acid and stop your heartburn within 30 minutes.
I have been taking this medicine for twenty years. I have been to ER three times thinking I'm having heart attack. I have had catscans, upper GI. Taken gas x like candy, use prilosec otc. So glad I came across this site now I know what the pain's from. Thank you so much. Now if only our Doctors and Pharmacists would listen, we wouldn't have to suffer.
i have the same issue with the blue prozac...i use to have these pills that were orange/ green and no issues.....these blue ones set my stomach and throat on FiRE
Thank you all for sharing. I thought I was losing my mind. Have even had endoscopy done because of the pain (and of course they found nothing wrong with me). It's the blue fluoxetine. I never had this problem before the pharmacy switched to the blue capsules. Horrible pain. Makes you think you are losing your mind. Throat on fire, headache...... literally pain in my ears it hurt so bad. I can't believe I found other people with same issue. I have lost so much sleep the last couple of years due to this. Will definitely be calling pharmacy tomorrow.
I was on it also..and it worked well for me until walmart switched manufacturers. The Barr was working. CVS had them then stopped using that manufacturer. I called the Barr manufacturer. They can not sell to me it has to come from a pharm. Barr sold out and PLIVA is the one Iam looking for. Does anyone have any idea who sell flouxetine by Pliva? I did find them on...get this! Are they the same? It was Pliva.CG
"In lieu of any other discourse, I've been emptying the contents of the capsule into an empty glass and diluting it in about a cup or so of water, then using that to swallow my other pills. Where I'd once get heartburn with absolute certainty, I am now completely heartburn free AND my dosage isn't really affected much due to it being a capsule and not a slow-release pill."
thank you so much this did the trick!
I get the same thing. Extremely bad heartburn for 1-2 hours after taking fluoxetine capsules. I only get sometimes, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I've eaten, etc. Could it be that there is a flaw in some of these capsule.
Same here, i am taking the blue capsules 40 mg and right away i get the burning sensation in my stomach, back and even i get a headache. I have to take 1500 mg of tums to get some relief...
I googled this very issue because I knew it wasn't just me. I'm not sure why but Prozac I usually take at night, no problem, I tried taking it in the morning and I'm getting the throat burning feeling again. I remember this happening in the past, for some reason it doesn't happen when I take it at night. I'm going back to evenings. My psychiatrist suggested I take it in the morning because it can be activating and I have insomnia at times. Oh well, I tried. I take Seroquil for sleep and it's been fine.
If you look around, you may be able to find another local pharmacy who has the blue and green version of the pills. My local Walmart does. No more problems since I switched back! Good Luck!!!!
Green and orange fluoxetine RX632...
I don't think my pharmacy changed manufacturer cause the pills look the same as the ones I have taken for months.... But now I get heartburn all day long after I take it. I've tried eating before, empty stomach, taking acid reducers and even stopped for a few days to feel some relief.
I can't think why this is happening considering the Internet says this pill is used to treat heartburn lol
So confusing
Getting major heartburn from my fluoxetine. The capsules are green/orange with "E 92" on them (if that's useful to know). I didn't know what I was experiencing was heartburn because I've never had it before. I was taking the pills in the morning but the heartburn would pretty much ruin my day so I switched to nights. It worked pretty well until tonight where it's 4:30am and I can't sleep bc of it. Do I need my doctor's permission to switch capsule types?
Please call the manufactuer on your rx bottle for I am getting horrible heart burn from the blue Prozac they will ask you some questions then they send it to their safety person for review they also send you something in the mail. But this needs to be addressed so the FDA knows that this is happening. I did it just today.
Same for me. Take it in the MIDDLE of eating. Eat some, take your pill, finish eating. Works for me.
I switched back to the brand name Prozac and I have not had any heartburn what so ever. The generic brand fluoxetine would burn my throat and chest it was awful. I pray you can get your doctor to write the brand name instead of generic. Trust me you will never burn again..
I spoke with my doctor since I first replied on this thread. He said I am allergic to the blue dye, so that is why I had such problems with taking it.
My doc told me it was the dye they use in the gelatin or whatever it is that surrounds the medicine. There is something in that blue dye (I think it was the blue ones and green was ok but pharmacy couldn't get green anymore; I take the pills now, and they are much flatter and easier to swallow IMHO) I can't tolerate. I was miserable. I even resorted to dumping the medicine in pudding which wasn't a good idea
My pharmacy switched suppliers as well to the blue and orange pill by Teva. I have been getting the worst heartburn ever since taking this medication. I googled it this afternoon, then followed this forum and what a relief and what help it has been knowing I'm not the only one. I called around several pharmacies and found another that carried a different supplier. They contacted my insurance company and explained the side effects that I was having (the horrible heartburn). I actually felt like I could possibly be having a heart attack. They got my prescription transferred and got my insurance company to cover it. Thank goodness.
Another sight I went to suggest putting your neck down instead of back when swallowing. This actually helps. I have never exlerienced a pain as bad as stuck prozac. Id rather be depressed!My pill is green and orange. Good luck to every one!
My post is buried on the second page, but I wrote that my doc said it was the gelatin and/or dye in the capsules that was the problem. He changed me to tablets, and I have no problems.
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