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Hi, am a patient of pulmonary tuberculosis. I have taken prescribed medicines ( pyrazinamide 1200mg, isoniazid 300mg, r - cin 625mg, benadon 40mg, augmentin 625mg) only for 5 to 10 days that to interrupted. and its been almost 2 months that am not taking any medicines and fever is not there but coughing has increased ( dry ), pain in left side of chest, blurred vision and mild headaches.Has its been evovled in multi drug resistent or xtreme drug resistent? Or if won't take any medicine how long will i'll survive?

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I had taken Akurit 4T for 2 month and benadon 40 mg now looking good cau I require more dose , not coughing, no chest pain now

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what are the side effect of benadon 40?

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Hey am surfering from spine tuberculosis,advice your brother do not stop the Tb taken 3 months from laying to bed to walking...

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my brother is suffering with tubercluosud in spines.he is also suffering with hbsag.he is given medicine for tuberculus.which medicine is given for hbsag

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i have heard that this infection can effect heart and brains also cause am having massive chest pain specially where the heart is located and constant mild headaches. Is it possible the bacteria has entered in heart and brain AS I TOOK MEDICINE FOR JUST 5 DAYS AND NOW ITS 2 MONTHS AM NOT TAKING ANY MEDICINES. NOW AFTER 2 MONTHS WITHOUT ANY MEDICINE DO I HAVE DEVELOPED MDR OR XDR......... REPLY IN DETAIL PLEASE.

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yes, i have heard that this infection can affect heart and brains also cause am having massive chest pain specially where the heart is located and constant mild headaches. is it possible the bacteria has entered in heart and brain AS I TOOK MEDICINE FOR JUST 5 DAYS AND NOW ITS 2 MONTHS AM NOT TAKING ANY MED. NOW AFTER 2 MONTHS WITH OUT ANY MEDICINE DID THIS NORMAL TB HAS EVOLV TO MDR OR XDR

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There is a possibility that you have a drug resistant form, however, there is also just a possibility that these were just not the right drugs to help you. Only a doctor can tell you for sure.

Are you still seeing one?

If you do have a drug resistant form, or you do not continue treatments, they will eventually be forced to isolate you, to prevent its spreading to more of the population, since it is very easy for someone else to catch from you.

Thus, it is vitally important that you continue your medical treatment and just don't give up and wait to die from it.

The length of time for death can vary from person to person, depending on your body's response and immune system.


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