Belviq Is Causing Constipation (Top voted first)


I'm taking Belviq which was working fine the first week now it's causing constipation and I notice I'm not losing any weight due to the constipation. I want to continue with Belviq but what can I do about the constipation? I feel it's stopping me from losing weight

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Have you received any responses to this question? I am having this same problem. I go several days with no desire to make a BM. I have been on belviq for 3 months and I haven't lost any pounds besides the 1st 12 lbs from the 1st month. I'm exercising and counting calories. Thinking about stopping this medication but afraid of belviq withdrawal symptoms.

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Constipation is a known side effect of this medication, according to FDA reports. You may also experience fatigue, chills, anxiety, and insomnia.

What solutions have you tried to alleviate the constipation? When I had an issue with it from medications, I discovered that fiber supplements helped a lot.

Does anyone else have any tips?

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