Availability Of Bellamine-s (Page 2)
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Are Bellamine-S and similar drugs still available? My pharmacy can't find them, so if you know how and where you can get them, please let me know. Thank you.
Thank you for the information. I do hope that you can get something accomplished in getting this medicine available again. Please put a post on here if you do; I get e-mails as new responses are put on here. I appreciate your help, for all of us who have been helped by Bellamine. Originally I was taking Bellergal-S, then Bellamine-S.
I talked to my doctor about Bellamine being taken off the market. I'm on Belladonna-phenobarb eliquiker which helps, but it's as good as the Bellamine tabs. My doctor told me of a drug company that are working on generic drugs for some drugs that are no longer available. He was going to tell the rep about Bellamine. I hope we can find a way to get it back.
I have been using dietary supplements since I cannot obtain any more Bellamine. Though I use them everyday, it is really not consistently helping he sweats during sleeping. I haven't tried having the pills formulated. I keep hoping that they begin reproduction of the medication! Until then, I am just tired all the time from lack of sleep.
This is in response to every post above. For some odd reason, I have not had a problem getting my prescriptions for Bellamine S tablets...not a generic either. I live in southern California, and I get my meds from CVS pharmacy. It costs less than $20 with insurance. Maybe they have a supply backlogged, but I am hoping it isn't discontinued.
Please put bellamine-s back on the market, it has helped me a other ladies with hot flashes. This is the only drug that has worked for me.
Many older drugs were available under the provision of Generally Recognized as Safe and Effective, which means they were approved before the modern FDA testing procedures. The FDA has in the past few years begun requiring these drugs to be submitted to the approval process, the same as newly created drugs. Since Bellamine was a generic drug (the brand name was Bellergal, which has not been available in years), the company probably had no procedures for getting a new drug approved (and it probably wouldn't be profitable anyway). So adios to the drug.
Anyone know why the FDA took this drug off the market? My mother was on Digitek which was recalled and the FDA has not done a very good job of letting the public know. People are getting real sick and dying. Would love to have some infor about this drug. I am another beleiver in this. It was a wonderful drug.
I have found a compounding pharmacy in Oceanside, CA to make this medication. My doctor told me she had tried to find one with no luck. She is in another county. Any way I told the pharmacy to expect a few calls from her patients, because many of us would pay almost any price. I have not felt this normal in years. And sleeping with out night sweats, and hot flashes is a super plus. This medication has been around for years. My doctor said her father had prescribed it with much success for years and it is better than the adverse affects of hormones.
Call around there ARE pharmacies that still have it. I just set my mind to it and with the computer and the telephone book, and I called til I found one store and then another that still had some on the shelf. One pharmacy even had a whole bottle of unopened pills! One was a Wal Mart and one was a CVS. I have taken Bellamine-S or Bellegral for almost 8 years. I have taken Tamoxifen or Aromasin for breast cancer and those drugs caused me to have terrible hot flashes. The Bellamine worked like a charm and I hate that it will be no more. I have even spoken with the pharmaceutical company. All of you need to KEEP TRYING!!!!!!!
You can have your pharmacist call the Medicine Chest North in Sulphur Springs, TX and maybe he can help. He is now compounding this drug.
I cannot sleep at night because of hot flashes. Was taken off hormones because of (blood Clots). Need Bellamine-S. Would appreciate knowing what pharmacist will compound this drug.
Colo Springs, CO
Would appreciate knowing what pharmacist/pharmacy will compound this and other medicatons. Difficult getting anyone to release info. on compounding meds. Hou; TX
My pharmacist has gotten the ingrediants to compound it. What a blessing.
I've been on Bellamine for 5 years and CVS told me today that it is discontinued. I called WalMart and got the same response. Nothing else has worked for me. I don't know what I will do now.
My pharmacist can not get anyone to call him back regarding the compounding of the drug. If someone has a compounding pharmacy, would you please submit the name and number. I would be so very grateful.
I had responded to this problem of no Bellergal or Bellamine, as I had no solution, either. My doctor has now prescribed Belladonna Alkaloids w/PB tablets, made by Qualitest, and I really believe that they have helped me, not with the headaches, but with the hot flashes, anxiety, sadness, etc. I had a little trouble getting the prescription going, though. When he went it to Walgreen's, for me to try for a month, he sent it in as Donnatal, for which they substituted the above named drug. However, when it sent it to Caremark for my 90-day supply, he sent in Donnatal, for which they recognized no generic and were going to charge $80 for a 90-day supply, 270 tablets, but if he sent it in the Belladonna.... they would fill it for 90 days for less than $20. I don't understand the reasoning there, since Walgreen's had considered it a generic for Donnatal. However, it has helped me, and I hope that it will help someone else. --
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 37. The treatments left me with horrible hot flashes that were more depressing than the surgery. Bellamine worked incredibly well for me. My doctor has been unable to find a suitable substitue. Has anyone found anything?
Has anyone had any luck finding Bellamine-S tabs? Have been out of them for 3 weeks & haven't slept well since, not to mention the flashes are back.
I have been using bellaspas (Bellamine) for almost a year now, but I'm about to run out of it. It has been miraculous in stopping the hot flashes and letting me sleep. If anyone knows of any way to get hold of it, even outside the country, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Thanks.
I can't see how these were unapproved, as this, formerly Bellergal-S, has been made and sold and prescribed for many, many years. It is not something new. I still cannot understand why they no longer make it. From the replies, I can see that many, many people have been helped by it.
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