At Breaking Point With Pain Killers (Top voted first)


How do I get off them I've been prescribed them for 3 yrs.just scared of the withdraw

2 Replies

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Amy week, talk to your dr. There is a difference in being addicted and being dependent. Your dr also may have suggestions on alternative methods of pain management, if you need them.

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Hi Amy,

From your description it seems to me like it would probably be best for you to talk with your Dr. about setting up a tapering plan or schedule for getting off whatever meds you are taking. This process typically involves scenarios where you might be dividing the dosage and/or frequency of use. You and your Dr. can decide which methods might be more doable than others depending on how well you respond. I'd just keep in mind that quitting these meds after 3 years will likely be a journey that you have to strictly adhere to in order for the tapering process to be successful.

I wish you good luck! Please feel free to keep us posted if you need any kind of moral support along the way! :)

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