Ardosons Vs. Ibuprofen 800 Mgs For Knee N Hip Pain (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've been taking Ibuprofen 800 mgs per day for hip and knee pain. However I was recommended Ardosons for same problem and the pain relief is dramatic in just 2 days, taking 1 dose only. My concern is the interaction it may have with the blood pressure medication I am currently taking, Hydrochlorothiazid 25 mg. I know ibuprofen can also raise blood pressure.
3 Replies
Hello, Linda! How are you?
Ardosons is listed as containing the active ingredient Betamethasone, which is a steroid class medication. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, acne, weight gain, nervousness and insomnia.
It can also raise blood pressure and heart rate, so it shouldn't be taken, without your physicians approval. Another issue is that it may cause fluid retention, which the Hydrochlorothiazide is supposed to remove from the body.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I am in pain from a back injury aand the doctor gave me an steroid injection and put me on 1 * Ardosons pill per day. This is not giving me any relief at all. Can I take nsaids till I can get back to see Dr tomorrow?
I took 800mg ibuprofen an hour ago. Is it safe to take a ardoson capsule now?
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